PERSONAL: 1 Saturdy we (GFC Carlton colors) played a team called Gaza 🏉🆙 & on the edge of the 🔲 KNEED after 15m sprint-in back NOT broken what a rubbish game
Feb 25, 2023 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
Pondering the most socially & politically powerful tropes and memes (social constructs - please see R Dawkins’ “The Selfish Gene (you what?),” 1976) of the crazy-arsed 1880’s City of London we may stumble back some decades down a handy Memory Lane 2 our secondary school studies
So here the psycho-cultural (mental) foundation of the SA Law Society’s grandiose and socio-economically devastating Theory of Diminished Responsibility:
“In traditional literature a tragic hero is utterly vicious but in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Michael Henchard is not the..