Greg Ó Ceallaigh Profile picture
Barrister in London specialising in human rights and asylum. These are my views only, often not even that.
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 17, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Immigration legislation has been getting more and more extreme, crazier and crazier for about 10 years now. And it has received ZERO public attention. Hopefully the Windrush scandal will mark a change. 1/ Ever since John Reid had to resign there has been bad legislation every 18-24 months, without waiting to see what effect the last bad legislation will have. The 2007 Act, the “Rules based system”, the 2012 Rules, the 2014 Act, the 2016 Act - and we are promised MORE post-EU 2/