Greg Olear Profile picture
Lapsed novelist, #RoughBeast & #DirtyRubles author, PREVAIL columnist & podcaster, co-host of "The Five 8," enjoyer of Friday Manhattans.
Solve for WHY Profile picture 🥥🌴🌊☕️Coffee&Robots🤖🌊🥥🌴🇺🇦 Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Aʅყx 🖖🐧 🌻 🌻 🌻 Profile picture atriana Profile picture 37 subscribed
Sep 25 16 tweets 3 min read
Trapper Keepers: Raiders of the Lost Binder

On January 19, 2021, in the last hours of his presidency, Donald Trump wrote a memo in which he announced that the “binder of materials” received from the FBI via the DOJ a month prior was “declassified to the maximum extent possible.” Image This was less than a week after Trump’s second impeachment—just 13 days after his MAGA horde besieged the Capitol in a failed attempt to thwart the peaceful transition of power.
Jun 29 7 tweets 2 min read
Elaborating on #DebateNight thoughts that I shared on last night's Five 8 show.

[THREAD] Image 1/ Why the Dem freakout after the debate? We are all traumatized by 2016, and Biden's performance in the debate triggered our collective trauma. "No! Not again!" Hence the panic.
Jun 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Alito's comments here are similar to remarks made by Rev. C. John McCloskey, Opus Dei priest and spiritual godfather to the Catholic extremist Leonard Leo cabal, to Charles Pierce 21 years ago. He, too, regarded the so-called culture wars as a Manichean struggle.

[THREAD] "Do I think it’s possible for someone who believes in the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of choose to survive w/ people who think it’s OK to kill women & children or for—quote—homosexual cpls to exist and be recognized? No, I don’t think that’s possible,” he said.
May 23 26 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about the #RoughBeast who is the presumptive GOP nominee for president, Donald Trump.

[THREAD, old school] Image 1/ Donald Trump’s term in office can be summed up in four words: pandemic, protest, impeachment, and insurrection.
Mar 2 28 tweets 5 min read
🧵on #Project2025

I. The “Cowboy Catholic”

Like many leaders of the reactionary right—Mike Johnson, Mike Davis, Stephen Miller, and so on—the current head of the Heritage Foundation has a dull, forgettable name: Kevin Roberts.

[THREAD] Image 2/ Roberts has a winsome smile, a PhD in U.S. history, a background in academia, & a well-earned reputation as a nice guy. Who could have imagined that this bright, friendly Gen Xer would be leading a Christian conservative counter-reformation—a crusade to end American democracy?
Feb 6 53 tweets 8 min read
If action is character, as F. Scott Fitzgerald proposed, then it is instructive to look at the life of Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson in reverse, Benjamin Button style. . .

[THREAD] 1/ It is the night before Veteran’s Day, 2021. On his primetime Fox News program, Tucker Carlson argues that the U.S. should back Russia, and not Ukraine, in the escalating conflict between the two countries. “Why would we take Ukraine’s side and not Russia’s side?”
Jan 24 9 tweets 2 min read
Should the media try to present Elise Stefanik (R-Machiavelli) as a moderate, throwback, Paul Ryan Republican and not the ruthless, power-mad opportunist in league with Dear Leader Donald that she is, please consider her career trajectory:

[THREAD] Image 1/
Carpetbags her way to a House seat

Sidles up to Nunes (her doppelgänger) and to Jim Jordan (which makes that hateful troll look tall)

Comes out against impeachment
Jul 5, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Last week, Leonard Leo’s Supreme Court handed down a bevy of wretched decisions that are now the law of the land. These decisions have two things in common: All of them will cause more harm than good. And all of them are wins for Leonard Leo.

[THREAD] 2/ As many legal scholars have pointed out, the internal logic of the Leonard Leo Court is functionally nonexistent. Nothing holds. There is no rhyme or reason to these decisions.
Jun 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

(Whose Private Jet Would Jesus Take?)

Alito's corrupt behavior is matched only by his sneering arrogance.… This @propublica article is something. Among the choice quotes:

"On June 9, Arkley’s group [which included Alito] chartered a boat, the Happy Hooker IV, to tour Yakutat Bay."
May 6, 2023 29 tweets 3 min read
Tuning in just as Charles is placed in his own kingly cubicle like on Office Space. The Anointing. Rated R. Now playing.
Dec 21, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
The New Year promises to be volatile in the early going—and therefore ripe for fuckery.

How to navigate the chaos that 2023 is sure to bring? Let’s set down what we know, and explore what that knowledge teaches us. Start here:

[THREAD] Putin + MBS. Kremlin photo. 1/ Putin is bad.

If there was ever any second thoughts about Putin’s motives, his character, or his overtures of friendship with the West, the war has erased all doubt. Ukraine is a battleground between the forces of good (democracy) and evil (fascism).
Dec 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
My wife has given me the greatest of all advent calendars. Image His right arm will be the marker… Image
Nov 30, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
With just two episodes remaining in #WhiteLotus, it’s time to rank the characters by how likely they are to die.

(Remember, E1 began with dead bodies, plural, floating in the water).

NOTE: Mild spoilers follow. Image 100% SAFE

17/ Daphne
Cameron’s wife, & Sicily’s favorite Airbnb villa renter, finds the body. We know for sure she makes it out alive.

16/ Valentina
Feeder of feral kittens & buyer of star broaches is marked safe.

15/ Rocco & Isabella
How do you say “I ship this” in Italian?
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
This was an AMAZING Halloween episode of @the_five8. Thanks to our guests @lifesafeast, @Victorshi2020, @allisongill, @ninaandtito, @MelissaJPeltier, @EthanBearman, @sandibachom, and—how do they say it in the movies?—introducing @chunkled & @gal_suburban.

PLUS a cameo from @TheClaudiaBlack. AND we have t-shirts!…
Sep 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today's "Sunday Pages" is an excerpt from my new historical novel, EMPRESS. Read all about it here:… This is a special offer, available while supplies last:…
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"[T]reason of the kind Trump and his associates engaged in is arguably the worst crime an individual can commit. It jeopardizes not just us as individuals, but our nation as a functioning democracy."

—Yours Truly,
Dec 14, 2017 Quinn Cummings has been at this longer than I have, and she's right about this:

Aug 24, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The more that resident fascist #LeonardLeo—the radical Catholic Oz behind the SCOTUS curtain—appears in the news, the less effective his byzantine operation becomes.

Yesterday he killed his Twitter account (h/t @GoddessOfOdness).

EVERYONE has to know who he is & what he does. This is important because Barre Seid just gave Leo $1.6 billion, billion with a B, to ratfuck democracy.

(Seid is 90 years old. His parting gift to the country is to destroy it. May his name live forever in infamy and shame.)…
Aug 22, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Jared Kushner intentionally sabotaged the pandemic response, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, because he thought that would help his criminal FIL get re-elected. #BlueStateGenocide I guess the Fox News host won't ask Jared if he had advance notice from his bestie MBS that Khashoggi was going to get killed.
Aug 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Elise Stefanik should run in NY-6. I think she'd do really well in Flushing. Elise Stefanik just announced that if she secures the Republican nomination, her running mate will be Mr. Whipple.
Jun 10, 2022 16 tweets 1 min read
Here we go. “And domestic.”
Jun 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Let's revisit the (ridiculous) Sodom and Gomorrah story, since that phrase is trending.

Per Genesis 19, this is what went down:

[THREAD] 1/ Two angels show up at Lot’s house. The men of Sodom immediately set about trying to rape them.

Lot—the only honest man in that God-damned town, we’re told—implores them to please rape his virgin daughters instead of the angels. The men refuse.