Above The Fold (a gretson au) Profile picture
ABOVE THE FOLD 🎥✨ — a celebrity gretson mixed media au, by @crumbnapkin and @tinyvoicejill // gretsonly on tumblr, JethProductions on redbubble
Dec 20, 2022 100 tweets 63 min read
84. this one goes out to everyone in the quote retweets x ImageImageImageImage 85. today’s the big day! ImageImageImage
Nov 12, 2022 483 tweets >60 min read
— a celebrity gretson social media au

#ALeagueOfTheirOwn Image hello! welcome to above the fold: a celebrity gretson social media au

before we start I want to first shout it out to all of the other awesome #aloto social media aus we have going! you guys are fantastic and it’s been so much fun reading and following along with your stories 💕