Red + Blue = Purple. I love milkshakes & burgers. I love 'Merica. Call out the Red & Blue Equally. Will tweet as long as Twitter lets me.
Apr 11, 2020 โข 9 tweets โข 2 min read
1/x Difference between Intelligence & Wisdom.
Go watch Margin Call.
Watch Jeremy Irons listen (Wisdom) to Zach Quinto (Intelligence) explain their financial timebomb.
Irons has the Wisdom to see it's truly a problem & act accordingly.
We have a lot "Intelligence" acting dumb.
2/x It's different this time. 2.5 times as much debt as DEC 2007 means nothing. China/Russia/Mexico have just about 100,000 cases of COVID19. (Really?) We're going to have a V-shape recovery. We can ignore the 50% corrections of previous recessions with smaller debt.
Aug 11, 2019 โข 9 tweets โข 2 min read
1/x If Bill Gates told you in 1991 Kodak is toast and he told you WHY it was toast (digital cameras) wouldn't you sell your Kodak stock and buy as much of whatever tech was about to take over?
That's what I don't get about BTC holders who MADE money? Sell now, buy XRP.
2/x If you didn't make money with BTC, I.E. you bought in at $12,000+ then I understand why you want it to go to $100,000. It's an investment, you want it to do well.
But, you KNOW it's the inferior tech AND you know Ripple is working with private banks, central banks