Grant Howitt Profile picture
Writes RPGs: Honey Heist, Spire, Heart, etc. One third of Rowan, Rook and Decard. Here for a good time AND a long time. He/him.
Apr 20, 2021 19 tweets 11 min read
Spire is best known for the way it does character classes, so as we approach the end of the Sin sourcebook Kickstarter (…) I thought I'd talk about what makes them all special in a big old thread: THE AZURITE is a cleric of Azur, the Gold of Gold, who does trade and commerce magic. They can buy skills, friends, languages and even, if they're willing to break the bank, a minute of their lives to do again:
Apr 30, 2020 192 tweets 60 min read
My good friend @Beardynoise said that I should rank all of the creatures in the Monster Manual by sex appeal. Well, I've done that. THREAD: AARAKOCRA

Strong daddy energy. Beak makes kissing difficult but the MM says these guys are vagabond airborne communists, which is kind of hot. 6/10
Apr 21, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
The as-yet-unreleased Iron Sky roleplaying game just published an example of play on their Kickstarter, and folks, it's buck wild. It's fascinating. Join me, won't you:… I'm just gonna post some stuff on here and draw your attention to the most interesting parts. Like here, for example, where Senses and Sense are different attributes on a single character:
Mar 20, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
Just gave my plumber a roleplaying game. He's working away and he asks what I do; I say I write roleplaying games, and he's seen D&D played a few times, so he's broadly aware of it. He mentions that he never played because he felt afraid of being creative/weird thanks to an alcoholic stepdad knocking it out of him