Steven Bodzin, an actual live human being Profile picture
Andean region reporter covering debt at REDD Intelligence. Tweets are mine, not my employer's. DM me. I respond only to people who use real names.
Jan 29, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Short trading is good, actually. Wall Street is a world of hype fanatics who are obsessed with making lines go up and to the right. I'm listening to an entrepreneur saying that it's a "bullshit" way to make money on @AOC 's Twitch. "Insane" and not productive, he says. Sorry dude but that's not the thing
Jan 28, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Just watched the movie @Coup53 . It is an incredible document, nailing down the history of the coup in Iran in more detail, more visually, and with more documentation than I've seen before. The explanations are excellent. It's a prologue to Chile 1973, even to Jakarta 1967. @Coup53 Among other things, it confirms that the UK was the lead agency in organizing the successful coup, but the CIA took credit. People have suggested before that the CIA was better at marketing itself (esp. to Congress) than at actually doing things.…
Nov 11, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
LIVE: Indictment of John Cobin, US-born libertarian/right-winger for shooting a man in Reñaca, Chile. Charges of attempted murder & more. Victim says he was out shopping, crossed the street to find a bathroom.… Prosecutors add an "aggravating factor" of the violence being motivated by political animus. Cobin has previously spoken on YouTube in favor of shooting communists.