Gummi Bear Profile picture
Open-minded Conservative. Strive for intellectual honesty. Gen-X common sense. Politics, Science, History, Geopolitics, Climate. Smarter than the average bear😉
R. Chitwood 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Profile picture Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture Eric Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture 36 subscribed
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We were definitively informed that Carbon dating left no doubt that rising atmospheric CO2 was man-made

I had accepted this as a scientific fact

If this paper is accurate, then anthropogenic climate change ceases to be an issue for serious people to debate There are counters to this paper which is why I couch my tweet in “if this paper is accurate”

My point: there was no debate…and now there is

Keep in mind: per unit volume, seawater holds nearly 150 times more CO2 than air
Apr 21, 2023 30 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Netflix Adaptation Memes

I get a kick out of these so enjoy!

Share other memes and I’ll add to the thread - Bookmark this for more Image Image
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A long time ago I looked at the stock market and realized that stocks weren’t worth the dividends they paid out

And then I realized money was essentially worthless...we already live in an MMT world

So I decided to invest my money in tangible assets, knowing full well that I…… Some pictures from last year
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is stupid populism

Doesn’t matter why they’re protesting…right?

They’re like the Dutch farmers? Wrong

Protesting to retire at 62 (instead of 64) is not the same as protesting to save your farm in the face of climate tyranny

Twitter has an intellectual honesty problem I’m actually a farmer in the EU and agriculture is under attack due to woke bureaucrats

These are causes worth supporting

And then there are twitter influencers looking for likes and follows

Protesting for early retirement is not a righteous cause

Do better @PeterSweden7
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Listen to @piersmorgan’s admitting the mistakes he made regarding Covid lockdowns/vaccines

He was pretty self-righteous/sanctimonious and aggressively judgemental about those who disagreed with “teh science”

Listen then vote you reaction

Poll below in next tweet👇 What is your reaction to hearing him admit he was wrong?
Mar 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵Thread: Trump Indictment 🧵

(sorry didn't speak earlier on @MarioNawfal show)

What's going on here is simple

Democrats need Trump to remain politically relevant to have a chance at winning in 2024

And they know that when they attack Trump, Republicans unify around him

1 The calculation is really simple to understand

Everybody already has an opinion on Trump

There aren't any undecided voters to win over or moderates/independents to be flipped

In a matchup between Trump and Biden the key dynamic is the turnout of a specific type of voter

Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is one of those resonant tweets: I’m done playing nice with the Woke Right

Imagine telling a Reagan Republican to bend the knee to Putin

Pfff…Good luck with that

First off, you’re wrong…you don’t understand geopolitics…and btw, I’m for trying to negotiate a peace…but…… If you’re confused by this tweet, bookmark it and revist in a year

Maybe it’ll age well, maybe not

I’ll admit if I was wrong
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The mindless devotion to extreme political cults on Twitter is a grave threat to critical thinking and genuine discourse

Blind adherence to any ideology is an affront to the pursuit of truth and reason The danger of seeing the world as either black or white is the temptation to ignore the infinite shades of grey that lie in between

This simplistic thinking leads to the demonization of those who hold different views, hindering dialogue and progress

Embrace nuance, reject……
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Good riddance! Image Image
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hey @GregAbbott_TX, remember when the top UT-Austin administration got caught directly funding Kendi/DiAngelo based critical race theory for 4 year olds:… Even Fox News picked it up, and Lieutenant Governor @danpatrick called out the university.…
Feb 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I posted and deleted this story (difft source) earlier because my followers are wicked smart😉

Immediately got called out by three different people

Just google “steel buoy”…it’s that simple

Do a better job journos! Another
Feb 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread: The anti-Ivermectin position strikes me as being somewhat contrarian and driven by partisanship over logic

I wouldn't argue that Ivm is proven to work, but I don't think you can definitively say it doesn't work...there are studies, including RCTs, that say it does

1 Many probably know this's run by retired commercial research scientists with resumes of published works in reputable journals like Nature

You don't need to agree with their meta analysis, but you can't deny that some studies say that it works

Feb 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Just listened to @mtaibbi on @joerogan…great episode

They predict independent journalists overtake MSM with platforms like substack

Problem I see: they’re still beholden to their audience (clicks, subs, etc)…reasonable/nuanced content…meh

Majority want stuff they agree with The issue is incentive structure

Now that the media is not trusted, people gravitate towards those that give them what they want in terms of content

Not necessarily those that give a full and honest picture of the news

Not sure it’s a better system…

Case in point:
Feb 15, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Thread: Don’t Sleep on them Institutions🚨

A fundamental myth of American conservatism has been that there are long-surviving institutions that support our society and which warrant respect/deference from everyone

Well that bubble has certainly been popped😉

1 Conservatives now are reacting with anger and disgust as more and more institutions have been captured by the far left

What's resulted is these institutions being twisted to promote their novel and extreme view of what society should be

Their views:

Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Nothing to see here, just a mostly peaceful Chinese balloon
I get a kick out of this stuff because it’s all just so stupid
Feb 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵The Twitter algo prioritizes content to people that have interacted with you recently

So, engagement drops off a ton after you take time away from Twitter

You can build back engagement over time by tweeting a lot

But you still remain dark to large parts of your followers

1 I think they do this to mimic the Tik Tok system which weights heavily for how much you have interacted with a particular account

The problem is that this will cause some older accounts you'd followed to fall by the wayside if you pass on their content for a period of time

Jan 31, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Excess Deaths

I got no issue with reasonable vaccine skepticism...I've fought for there to be more scientific debate

Excess deaths are real, significant and troubling

The vaccine should be investigated as a potential cause

But the answers we all want are not simple

1 I've looked at the data and the only thing I am certain of is that nobody actually knows what is going on...

I also want to prepare you for the fact that you may never get an answer that is sufficiently satisfactory for you

There are many reasons for this that I'll get into

Jan 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts about Covid-19 variants🧵

All respiratory viruses generate variants cause that’s how these viruses survive

Yet we rarely hear about these new variants beyond the occasional “bad flu” season

There’s nothing special about Covid variants

1… There are over 200 human respiratory viruses and they all generate new variants each year

The problem is when a virus takes a quantum leap and generates a variant that is so different that our immune systems aren’t ready to defend against it

That’s when you have a pandemic

Dec 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As someone that speaks Romanian and has local contacts, I will do my best and report on this

It’s well known in Romania that he made his money on “chat rooms”, but we’ll see what that means and what other details emerge One thing I can say is that DIICOT, the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, was essentially trained and maintains close ties with the FBI

As a country in Eastern Europe, this is mostly a good thing for Romania

But it does raise questions in this case
Dec 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Is it wrong to get a kick out of people who don’t know how to handle winter weather?😆 That ice is no joke!
Dec 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

The FBI, already in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, waged a proactive influence campaign to persuade news media/social media that future HB leaks were Russian fakes/hacks

When the story broke, the FBI had no problems discreding it

Clear election interference by FBI This was not the FBI looking to safeguard the elections

They deliberately manipulated news media/social media in an attempt to protect Joe Biden’s candidacy

This is no longer a story about Twitter or the liberal media collusion

This is proof of FBI interference in elections