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24 | "i wish to never forget those years i spent searching for you," —mdzs 🩵 •cdrama, anime & kpop addict •writing where my passion takes me🩵
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Jul 5, 2023 42 tweets 8 min read
A few months ago, Wei Ying had passed out on his way to school. He doesn't remember what happens after that, only recalling when he had woken up hours later in a hospital bed.

The nurses tell him a young gentleman wearing the same school uniform brought him in. There are no further details provided by them that could help Wei Ying figure out who had brought him in. But he did notice the uniform jacket left behind by the student. On its pocket was a blue embroidered cloud.


"Excuse me."

The young man peer from the book he's
Mar 2, 2023 55 tweets 10 min read

It wasn't suppose to happen like this, they had a deal.

Their relationship is strictly for gratification purposes, nothing more than late night calls for pleasurable moments.

But all of that changes when Wei Ying returns home from the dr's with news of him being pregnant.

Not only was he with child but the child's father happens to be Lan Zhan, his late night fling and... boss.

Insane, isn't it?

During the day, Wei Ying is nothing more than CEO Lan's secretary. But at night, he's Lan Zhan's personal pleaser.
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm out here giving Wei Wuxian the y/n life when in reality i know it's Lan Wangji who's truly living it.

He's the one who brings a book and/or his homework to idol!xian's concert.

Imagine Lan Wangji just reading his text book, memorizing all the contents needed for his test, completely unfazed by the blaring music.

It wasn't his choice to come, Mian Mian dragged him as her plus one and he reluctantly agreed.

The concert's platform extends to where Lan Zhan stands and Wei Ying walks over while singing his ballad.

Then in the midst of the
Mar 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I tweeted this idea a while back but never finished. I just want to add and say (Wangxian x the myth):

Wei Ying finally recalls his memories after entering the tomb of the great Lan dynasty.

The second he steps inside, he's greeted by a blade to the neck, held by the one and only—Lan Zhan.

"Who are you and how did you find this place?"

Wei Ying didn't need to utter anything, he spares but a glance and that's all it takes for the sword to fall.

It clanks upon impact, hitting the stoned path underneath their feet.
Feb 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about Wei Wuxian who's an avid buyer and all time admirer of Lan Wangji's rabbit and bunny crochets.

Every time Lan Zhan launches a new design or product, Wei Ying is the first to buy.

He stumbled onto the page by accident which then spiraled into a black hole of compulsive purchases. It was hard not to, the crochets were undeniably cute and so was Lan Zhan—if not cuter.

By chance one day, Lan Wangji hosts a mini giveaway—a personalized crochet bunny with no restrictions on size.

Wei Ying squealed upon seeing the
Dec 4, 2022 272 tweets >60 min read
“What pretty eyes you have.”

“You have such beautiful golden eyes.”

“Those eyes of yours are quite interesting.”

“Such a rare color for eyes.”

From the day he was born, Lan Zhan has been told countless times just how beautiful his eyes are. Like rare golden jewels, they perch upon his face—reflecting the world in them.

But that’s not all that’s seen through them.

“My child, have you seen my child?”

“Mr. I think I’ve lost my way home.”

“It’s so cold.”

No matter how hard he tries to ignore them, they’re
Dec 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Quick thought of the day:

Lan Zhan worries about his first day of work. Not because it's a new work environment but he has this... minor concern on how he looks.

For a good portion of his life, Lan Zhan's been told that has has a cold and aloof demeanor. He doesn't purposely act this way, it's just

that he's reserved and unfortunately, a bit awkward when it comes to conversing. And his facial expressions normally reflect a judgmental glare.

Bottomline is, Lan Zhan's worried he'll terrify the children in his class.
Nov 23, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Wei Ying feels as if his face will melt off if he sits any closer to his idol, Lan Zhan.

He had won a giveaway and is now inches away from the man of his dreams.

And although he’s sitting perfectly still, his heart thunders ferociously against his chest.

He feels like he’ll jump right out of skin at any given time.

Not to be dramatic, but this is like the pinnacle point of his life. All his daydreams and fantasies have manifested into physical form.

It’s testing his sanity, nearly stripping it clean from him.

He has idolized Lan Zhan
Nov 22, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
“A-Yuan,” Lan Zhan tries to cajole. He rubs soothing circles along the boy’s back in hopes of comforting him.

But little A-Yuan continues to cry. His lips curl into a deep frown and tears fall endlessly.

“It’s okay,” he whispers. “There’s always next time.” Hearing Lan Zhan utter those words only elicit more tears, followed by a wail.

Lan Zhan panics. He’s unsure of what to do. A-Yuan is quiet and seldom voices his concerns.

It’s only been a few months since he’s been adopted and that duration troubles Lan Zhan.
Nov 11, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Romance of Tiger and Rose x Wangxian inspired:

Wei Ying who, by some miraculous encounter, ends up being transported into his very own webtoon novel.

Wei Ying is nothing like his original character.

The calm, collected, formidable Wei Wuxian of the Jiang sect is now possessed by the awkward, loud, clumsy Wei Ying.

And above it all, he's merely a side character written to progress the plot.

It doesn't help that he ends up running into Lan Zhan, the handsome second young master of Gusu Lan.

Nov 5, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read

Wei Ying woke up the next morning in…bed? But not his. He remembers falling asleep on the couch at Lan Zhan’s—oh.

It’s not the first time he’s crashed over at Lan Zhan’s place, but has been a while.

Ever since he started dating Yang Yi, their interaction became limited. Sad to say, he can’t recall the last time he and Lan Zhan spent time together—outside of school.

A savory aroma distracts him from his thoughts and he helplessly follows its scent all the way to the kitchen.

“Good morning,” Lan Zhan greets the second
Oct 31, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Day 30: #xiantober :dark!xian

“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan yells, erupting from a violent nightmare.

A pair of arms drape themselves around him, “shh, hey. It’s okay, I’m right here.”

Lan Zhan anxiously grips Wei Ying’s shoulders. A trembling breath exhales from his lips before steading.

Wei Ying gently caresses his cheeks, “See, everything’s alright.” his lips curl into a benevolent smile—assuring Lan Zhan.

The latter nods, completely relaxing to his touch.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Lan Zhan ponders for a bit, reclaiming his scattered
Oct 31, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Day 29: #xiantober : athlete!xian

One mishap and Wei Ying finds himself tumbling over and withering in pain.

His teammates surrounds him immediately and their coach follows in tow.

“Wei Wuxian, are you okay?”

Groggily, he sits up. Every muscle within him strains upon the sudden action.

A series of gasps and whispers leave his teammates. Their eyes are focused on his ankle, which is contorted in a completely abnormal way.

“6 weeks to heal?!” Wei Ying yells in disbelief.

The doctor gives him a pointed look. “It’s a severe sprain.”
Oct 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Day 27: #xiantober : Artist!xian

Equipt with nothing more but his pencil and notebook, Wei Ying begins to sketch.

His slender fingers guide the pencil from one end to another. Quick strokes mix with
gentle glides—filling in the empty space.

Simple shades of grey brings life onto the page.

His eyes dart between the notebook and the object of his affections. This rhythm becomes imprinted in his work.

Though he’s anxious to finish, he is also steady to perfect the piece.

From head to toe, he captures the essence of
Oct 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Day 26: #xiantober : rogue cultivator!

“Aiyah, I didn’t expect to see you so soon, Hanguang-jun,” exclaims Wei Ying. He dusts his palms clean before clasping them behind him.

“What brings you around?”

A solemn look greets him in return. “Night hunt in Yiling.” “Word spreads quite fast doesn’t it? Not a day passes by and Hanguang-jun is already here. True to his name of ‘appearing where chaos is.’”

“Forgive me for intruding,”

“There’s no need for that.” he waves a hand in dismissal. “If I didn’t want you
Oct 26, 2022 301 tweets >60 min read
But he stays silent, giving Wei Ying the time he needs to release the words of his heart.

“Don’t ever do something so selfish like that again.” Finally, the anger seems to dissipate.

“I can’t bear to lose you Lan Zhan. Even if we are to go our separate ways, as long as you are well then I will gladly let you go. But if anything were to happen to you, then how will I live?”

He crouches to his knees, weak and terrified at the thought.

The sight strikes a chord in Lan Zhan’s heart. He brings himself to match eye levels and takes Wei Ying by
Oct 24, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Day 22: #xiantober : Police!xian

"Good cop, bad cop?"


"Aw but Lan Zhan..."

"It never turns out well Wei Ying, you know this."

A petulant sigh leaves him as he slides into his desk chair. "Then how do you plan on interrogating him?"

"I have my ways." Surely enough, the culprit confessed to his crimes—adding another solved case onto Lan Zhan's pile.

"That's not fair." Wei Ying complains that night they arrive back home. "Now I'm two cases behind you."

"This was a joint capture."

"Yeah but you got most of the credit so
Oct 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Day 21: #xiantober Mob Boss!xian + #SituationjiSeason

He gave one specific instruction yet his men can't seem to get things right.

Must he do everything himself?

"I asked for a Wen and you brought me a Lan?"

"Sir," one of his men begins to explain. "Both parties were present during the capture."

Wei Ying's forefingers press into his temples, rubbing them in circular motions. "Well then where is he? The Lan."

At the mention of this, the men scramble.

A heavy sigh falls from his lips as he turns to be seated.

Not a minute later and his
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Bridgerton AU x Wangxian

Where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji meet at a courting ball.

Due to Lan Zhan's prestigious reputation, he's flocked with many suitors whereas Wei Ying struggles to find recognition.

One, primarily due to Jiang Cheng's interference of "these men are indecent," and dismisses them all before Wei Ying can court them.

The two end up establishing a fake relationship that'll help diminish the suitors on Lan Zhan's end whilst increasing them on Wei Ying's side.

All the houses find deep admiration for them for Wei Ying is deemed
Oct 19, 2022 142 tweets 25 min read
Uni professor Lan Wangji, who attended a welcoming party the night before, wakes up to find a stranger sleeping next to him.

Mortification drowns him as he realizes, he can't recall anything. Especially, not after all those drinks.

He scrambles out of bed in panic and rushes out of the odd hotel room they had apparently checked into.

He's disoriented the whole morning at work and only becomes more addled when the same stranger walks into his lecture hall, introducing himself as Wei Wuxian:

A new student in his class.
Oct 18, 2022 291 tweets >60 min read
Lan Zhan forcefully tucks Wei Ying’s arm behind him, “Wei Ying has nothing to do with this. Let him go.” he repeats.

Wen Xu cocks a brow and points to the ground, “Beg.”

“Wen Xu—!”

Lan Zhan ceases any argument Wei Ying arouses. He takes a step forward and lowers his head— kneeling onto the ground before Wen Xu.

“Let Wei Ying go,” there’s no doubt of assertion to the human ears.

But to someone like Wei Ying, he can hear the faint plea and desperation laced in the back of his throat.

Anger crashes like a raging sea within Wei Ying.