casey 🌸 Profile picture
she/her/30 ✨️ bi 🌈 yoonmin/namkook 🐨🐰 wangxian 💙❤️ nsfw 🔞 minors dnf/dni
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Dec 7, 2023 62 tweets 12 min read
#wangxian a/b/o

when wei ying presents as a rare male omega, he's betrothed to jiang cheng

it's his way of 'paying back the family for all the trouble he caused'

he reluctantly accepts, even though he doesn't like jc like THAT

but then he meets lan zhan and changes everything they're in gusu, "lucky" enough to be invited for the exclusive guest lectures, although wy isn't excited. he can't live with 3000 rules, not when most of them are ridiculous. especially the 'do not rise after 5am'

that's still the middle of the night!
Oct 14, 2023 56 tweets 11 min read
#wangxian #mdzs /infertility

when wei wuxian married emperor lan wangji, it was the happiest time of his life

he loves his role as empress, it's like he was made for it. but after 5 years of marriage, they still have no heir

then he gets devastating news that he is infertile /mentions of mpreg

the court descends into chaos over lan wangji's refusal to take a concubine

there's even hushed talks of dethroning the emperor

wwx is in a tough position. not only is he mourning the loss of their future children, he worries about his beloved's future
Sep 20, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read

wei ying who plays f*rtnite and meets a-yuan online during a battle royale

when wy hears a-yuan's voice, he worries "kid, you're too young. you shouldn’t be talking to strangers online"

then a deep voice replies "he is supervised at all times. i am his baba" wy relaxes "oh, that's smart!"


wy spends most of his matches talking with a-yuan, teaching him the best techniques and tips

they both cheer when they get their first battle royale

wy asks a-yuan about school. his favourite subjects, his friends, his teachers
Sep 10, 2023 83 tweets 16 min read
#wangxian #mdzs /mpreg

wei ying & lan zhan meet on a trip five years ago, starting a holiday romance

2 months later, wy discovers he's pregnant but has no way of contacting lz

months later, a-yuan is born 8 weeks premature. luckily his son is a fighter & makes a quick recovery four years later, fate brings them back together when lz moves to yiling for a new job

"hello class, my name is mr lan. i'm so happy to finally meet you all"

lz looks around the classroom, smiling softly as the kids wave back at him

"hi mr lan!" they shout over one another
Jul 19, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
#wangxian #mdzs a/b/o

when wei wuxian finds out the jiangs have arranged his marriage to lan wangji, he's devastated

"I will not marry someone I have never met!" he refuses, infuriating yzy

he doesn't know where the moment of defiance came from before he rushes out of the room he ignores madam yu's yells "get back here now, you insolent boy!"

he can't- no, he won't- marry someone for political gains. he wants to marry for love, just like his parents did

they died when he was still so young so he sadly doesn't have many memories of them left
Jun 20, 2023 90 tweets 17 min read
#wangxian a/b/o

wei ying can't take his eyes off the man, his fighting style brutal yet elegant

his body was smooth, toned, sculpted. wy tries to get his scent under control as he watches his fluid movements

then he sees his face

what. the. fuck.

how can it be LAN ZHAN?! wy chokes on his saliva as lz climbs into the ring, wearing the tightest light blue shorts wy has ever seen

wy gulps. he can't tear his eyes off lz's tight, biteable ass

oh, what he would do to be given the chance to worship that
Jun 19, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
#DarkLanZhan #wangxian

for the past few months, idol wy has been receiving threatening gifts from a 'fan'

"please, lz! you're the only one i trust" he pleads, tears running down his face

"mn. I will move in with you, wy"

little does he know, it is lz who has been sending them wy sends him a watery grin "thanks, lan zhan! i don't know what I'd do without you"

lz thinks to himself 'you will never need to find out. you are mine now'

lz holds his arms out and wy runs into them, no longer trembling as he breathes in the soothing scent of sandalwood
Jun 15, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
#wangxian mpreg

"tell baba what is wrong please" lz begs a-yuan. he's been sad for a few days & lz can't bear to see it

his son stares at him, teary eyes breaking his heart "baba"

lz nods encouragingly

"did you and a-die not want me?"

lz sucks in a shocked breath "a-yuan, of course we wanted you. your a-die and i were so excited when you were growing in his tummy. we couldn't wait to meet you"

his precious boy looks hopeful "really?"

he pulls a-yuan onto his lap, stroking his hair "of course. why would you believe otherwise?"
Jun 4, 2023 227 tweets >60 min read

"lan zhan IS my husband! tell them, lz! they don't believe me!"

lz had entered the hospital room to find an agitated wy arguing with doctors

he comes to a dead stop. husband?

lz had never even SPOKEN to wy before today, wy had only just woken up from a two year coma he still remembers the first time he saw wei ying over 18 months ago. looking frail and lifeless. only machines keeping him alive

he had stared at the man's beautiful face, feeling a pang of sadness that in the 6 months he had been at the hospital, no one had visited him once
May 23, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read

immortals wei ying and lan zhan who hate each other & can't be in the same room without arguing

but everything changes when they go to the human realm for their love trials

lz becomes the emperor and wei ying is his trusted bodyguard, who he is secretly in love with they meet as teens. lan zhan was the crown prince and so had no freedom. feeling smothered, he donned servant robes and snook out so he could wander the palace alone

he stumbled upon the training grounds where he ran into wei ying
May 21, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
#DarkLanZhan 🔞
#wangxian /dubcon(?)

detective lan zhan meets wei ying when he visits the station to report a crime

he is immediately infatuated with him but doesn't know how to approach him or if he's even interested

so he plants drugs in wei ying's car so he can 'find' them the day after lz hides the drugs in wy's car, he goes to his house

wy answers the door after the first knock "detective lan! it's so good to see you again. what brings you to my humble abode?"

lz loses the ability to speak or even think at wy's bright smile
May 14, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read

students wy and lz who meet on their first day of college

wei ying immediately is entranced by lz and decides they're going to be best friends

he finds lz on Instagram (thanks nhs!) and pouts when he's on private. he sends a follow request and waits with anticipation when lz's phone lights up, he looks at it before glancing at wy

wy grins widely and waves "lan gege, that's me, accept it!"

he gapes as he watches lan zhan decline the request. lz is so mean! why does wy like it?

he immediately shakes off the dejection he felt a moment ago
May 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
my hometown is hosting eurovision so of course i have to make it wangxian:

lan wangji is representing his country and wei wuxian is one of the dancers for the performance

as soon as their eyes meet, they fall in love. they grow closer but both think the other isn't interested when it's lwj's turn to perform, he hesitates before he starts playing a different song than he was suposed to. the dancers stand there awkwardly, unsure what to do

wwx, watching him with tears in his eyes: it's so beautiful

after lwj is finished performing, the host joins him
May 2, 2023 87 tweets 16 min read
#wangxian a/b/o
slight #DarkLanZhan

alpha lan zhan who tricks his secretary, omega wei ying, into signing a contract to provide him with a heir

wy doesn't understand mandarin so happily signs it after lz explains it's for a promotion

wy soon finds out that not completely true "well, i'll just refuse to do it. ha! what you gonna do about that!" wy smiles at lwj, taunting him

lwj doesn't visibly react. instead he calmly answers "sue you"

wy frowns "what?"

lwj nods "if you breach the contract, i can sue you for one million. it's in clause 3"
Apr 23, 2023 58 tweets 11 min read

wei ying can't describe how he feels, watching lz & his bf mxy together for the 1st time

he should be happy for them, right? should be glad that lz had moved on from wy

he still remembers how shocked he was when lz confessed to him. his expression as wy rejected him why has he only just figured this out now? why couldn't he have known this before lz confessed to him!

(will update tuesday 🩷)
Mar 19, 2023 61 tweets 12 min read

lz, who lost his mother as a teen, sends messages to her number on important occasions

"mama, i graduated today with honours. ge said you'll be proud. i hope he's right. a-zhan"

"mama, it's your birthday today. I miss you"

one day, he gets a response from a stranger "hi! I've been getting ur messages for a while but wasn't sure if i shld respond. This is my number now"

lan zhan feels his ears burn, embarrassed someone had read his personal messages

"I apologise. I will not disturb you again"
Mar 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
#BabyLWJSeason cisswap wx

babyxian was waiting for babyji's delighted reaction at her present. wy has seen the necklace and knew she had to get it for zhanzhan

but instead of smiles, lz began crying? wy panics

"lz, why u cry?"

"cause no one my friend" lz wails Image wy is confused "what u mean?"

lz holds out the gift towards wy "look! says no one friend!"

oh no! wy didn't realise how it could look, her mama had told her the meaning of the necklace, she should have told lz first

"nooooo, zhanzhan. 'no' means number. number one friend"
Mar 15, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
#wangxian a/b/o 🔞

omega wei ying is betrothed to beta lan xichen

the first time alpha lan zhan meets him, he knows wy will be his. /not/ his brother's

so he gives wy heat inducers when his brother is on a sect business trip everyone is panicking. it is dangerous for an omega to go through a heat alone and there's not enough time to summon lxc back to help

"i will take care of wei ying during his first heat"

everyone gapes. for most people, it's the first time they've heard the hgj speak
Mar 12, 2023 37 tweets 7 min read

wei ying should be ecstatic, right?

his best friend and roommate, lan zhan, is dating their other friend, mianmian. that's great, right!

lan zhan deserves to be happy and loved

so why does he feel like he's going to be sick? & why did lz keep it a secret from him? that's what that hurts the most. he had to find out by catching them on a date

he still can't get the image of them holding hands across the table out of his mind. mm had such a soft expression on her face, one he'd never seen before

it must be just for lz. her lover, aparently
Mar 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

computer science student wei ying who searches dumpsters for discarded laptops

he fixes them and donates them to the group home he grew up in

enter rich heir lan zhan who mistakes wei ying as homeless and invites him to live with him wy: oh, I'm not actually-
*notices how handsome lz is*

wy: that would be great, thank you
lz: mn. Would wy like to shower?
wy: that's a...good idea *needs to calm his horny thoghts*

lz: you smell nice now. like /me/
wy: 💦🔥🍆

the shower didn't make a difference to his libido