Guy Gavriel Kay Profile picture
Canadian author. Named to Order of Canada in 2014. 15 novels in 30+ languages. ALL THE SEAS OF THE WORLD now out in paperback. Joined June 2009.
Jun 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes Twitter shapes lovely things. A little while ago I got a tweet from someone I didn't know, asking an unexpected question. We connected by DM and I learned the story. He was a retired physician, a surgeon, handling his recently deceased father's estate — and library. + His father, Dmitri, had been a scholar and teacher in Greek and Byzantine art. His library of 4000 art books was about to be scattered, some of it even discarded. Only some were wanted. 'Books on mosaics,' he wrote me, 'don't seem to spark as much of an interest.' +
Jan 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
THREAD. I get that.The book business is much more like the film business now, teasing what is to come. Advance orders make a HUGE difference for books and writers, so a lot of pre-release energy gets expended by publishers, and authors (if they are good soldiers) too. 1 Once upon a time Young Me could walk into the River Heights Library in Winnipeg, scan the New Releases shelf near the front (I can still SEE it) and actually shout, shocking people, because the 5th book in Dunnett's Lymond Chronicles was out, and I'D HAD NO IDEA IT WAS COMING. 2
Dec 19, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Moved to think about something...

The number of people saying Penny Marshall will always be Laverne for them, what she's remembered for/important in their lives.

This isn't at all unusual. And of course it is as much about us (and timing) as them. A great many artists of all kinds we 'lock' into with one of their earlier works. Or their first! Especially if they become really big in the culture of the day (highbrow, or pop culture). And the combined pop culture power of that show airing after Happy Days was VERY big.