I still think ZK is under hyped. Let's talk about why, and a couple analogies from web2
We often talk about crypto's "iPhone moment" or Eternal September, but what finally tipped developer and user adoption over the edge?
The iPhone presented three new developer tools that hadn't existed together before. It combined a 1) programmable mobile computer, 2) GPS, and 3) a high quality camera.
Feb 6, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
I went through Crypto Start Up School in 2020. My project failed, but yours doesn’t have to. In preparation for CSS 2023 I’ve gathered some simple fundraising tips and tricks for first time founders. a16z.com/crypto-startup… Here are my thoughts:
2/ Tell a story. On average humans do better with narratives than with facts. Humans are highly fallible and easily distracted, especially over Zoom. Without losing sincerity make your pitch/conversation engaging and interesting.
Jul 12, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
We believe on-chain lending is an essential DeFi primitive, but users must choose between pooled liquidity or full order books. We’re excited to announce our investment in @MorphoLabs, combining the best of both worlds to offer a Pareto improvement in lending and borrowing rates.
Morpho builds on Compound, offering a fully-decentralized peer-to-peer lending protocol on top of Compound’s underlying peer-to-pool protocol. Using a novel on-chain matching engine, the Morpho protocol is able to autonomously coordinate better rates for users.
Jun 8, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Crypto users have had a difficult tradeoff: true ownership from complex self-custody, or robust security from traditional custody? That needs to change, so we’re leading the $25M seed round in @entropydotxyz, a decentralized asset custodian for everyone.
We believe tokens are the native asset of the Internet, and they’re enabling new methods of human coordination by representing value on blockchains. True sovereignty and ownership of them is a big part of what makes crypto special.