gwen should have killed marvel Profile picture
⌊ “Typical blithering western mindset of punny marvel stan”︱1.26.21 ♡ - 2.1.25 ♡︱was told starscream/skyfire doesn’t count as yaoi cause they’re robots⌋
Nov 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
silent hill ascension removed the chat option and are now livestreaming a defence for the micro transactions Image my brother also got banned from the silent hill chat for trying to talk to Taylor Swift :(

Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

Yes I was stabbed yes it was in the Chicago museum of science yes I was 14 yes it was a pen yes the pen was shoved into my neck yes it was a novelty shocker pen she also pressed the button when she jammed it into me so I was also electrocuted yes I was like this when it happened
Nov 21, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
the goncharov bit on tumblr right now is one of the insane things I eve ever seen. I have seen people create fake VSH tapes, fake books, fake soundtracks, fake academic essays, and now over 100 pieces of fanfiction If I was not in on it this could have gaslit me too like do you see this. ALL of this was created in less than 24 hours ImageImageImageImage
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I have no idea if this would work in practice when it comes to actually winning but I designed a marvel snap deck that’s designed to make life as annoying as possible for your opponent Image updated data it can be used for winning because of your opponent rage quitting Image
Nov 18, 2022 29 tweets 11 min read
A bunch of my friends made tumblr accounts last night and I know for a lot of people there’s a learning curve so I’m going to write down a bunch of tips about how the site works for anybody who needs it btw everything I’m saying on the assumption that everyone who reads this has only ever used twitter and tumblr is their second social media account ever. If another social media site has any of these features I will be acting like tumblr invented them
Nov 18, 2022 66 tweets 15 min read
If this is the series finale of Twitter it’s time I share with all you something I was keeping in my back pocket for a long time: my extensive collection of weird gifs Image