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Jun 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Israel's Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday approved a bill that would effectively bar administrative detention, or detention without trial, for Jews
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The bill states administrative detention would be allowed only if there are "reasonable grounds for assuming" that a person belongs to a terror group "whose goal is to undermine the existence of the state or commit terror against its citizens"
Jun 7 8 tweets 3 min read
Palestinian photographer Saif Kwasmi, who was attacked Wednesday by Jewish youths participating in the flag march in Jerusalem, was later detained by police
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As far as is known, the police did not arrest any of Kwasmi's attackers, summon any suspects for questioning, or call in other victims or witnesses to testify
May 23 4 tweets 2 min read
IDF investigation finds that Israeli army forces fired at a UN vehicle in the Rafah area last Monday, leading to the death of an aid worker / @yanivkub
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The killed worker was identified as Waibhav Anil Kale, an Indian national who worked in the UN's Safety and Security Division. Another UN worker, a Jordanian national, was wounded in the incident
May 20 4 tweets 2 min read
The deputy head of Israel's National Security Council, Yoram Hemo (who resigned from his position last week,) wrote in an official document presented to the war cabinet that Israel's strategic action pattern failed in the war, and cannot succeed
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Senior officials in the war cabinet who read the document said that Hemo claims that the war should be stopped
May 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Far-right activists in the West Bank assaulted a Palestinian truck driver, believing his truck, along with another, was carrying aid to Gaza
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Footage from the scene indicated that the activists stopped both trucks near the Givat Asaf settlement, unloaded their cargo, deflated their tires, and set them on fire
Apr 21 6 tweets 2 min read
The U.S. is expected to impose sanctions on the IDF's ultra-Orthodox Netzah Yehuda battalion because of its involvement in human rights violations in the West Bank
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Here is a Haaretz investigation by @yanivkub into the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, originally published in February 2022.

Lies, violence and far-right ideology: The West Bank militia formed inside the Israeli army haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Apr 11 5 tweets 2 min read
A bit of backbone emerges: Interior Minister Moshe Arbel wrote a scathing letter to PM Netanyahu due to the premier's decision to interfere in the ministry's authority over the entry of foreign workers into Israel
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Since October 7, Israel has experienced a severe shortage of foreign workers. as Palestinian workers were barred from entering the country, and thousands of others left
Apr 2 9 tweets 3 min read
An Israeli drone fired three missiles one after the other at a World Central Kitchen convoy escorting an aid truck to a food warehouse in Deir al-Balah, according to defense sources familiar with the details
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According to defense sources, the cars were clearly marked as belonging to the organization, but the war room of the unit responsible for securing the route identified an armed man on the truck and suspected that he was a terrorist, sources said
Mar 28 6 tweets 2 min read
Twelve young women live in the three-story villa at the edge of Be'er Yaakov, a town southeast of Tel Aviv. They take turns with the cooking, smoke together in the garden, and sleep in well-lit and well-kept rooms, two or three to a room
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Next to their beds they hang posters, paintings and inspirational quotes.

It's their safe space. They're all survivors of sexual abuse
Mar 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Five months into the war, there is almost nothing left of Gaza's substantial Ukrainian community. The women who helped found it had to flee, becoming asylum seekers scattered across Europe / @lizarozovsky
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"When Netanyahu and the radical right came to power, I immediately told my husband that we had to sell everything and leave. I knew there would be a war. I told him, 'With this party, there is no other possibility'"
Mar 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Israel's English-language government spokesman Eylon Levy has been suspended from his post. The Prime Minister's office confirmed this, but did not specify the reason / @shap56405
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According to speculation by Israeli news outlets, Levy's suspension stems from his response on X to a post by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron concerning humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza
Mar 18 8 tweets 3 min read
Beyond the fact that as a journalist I never sign petitions, I have no positive expectations of Israeli academic institutions, so I didn't sign a protest letter against the suspension of Hebrew University professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian / Amira Hess
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The dean of a professor who was suspended for comments she made regarding October 7 said he opposes her return to teaching unless she recants
Mar 15 12 tweets 4 min read
If you're not living this war, as Israelis and Palestinians are, then your conception of it will be constructed from selective snapshots by necessity. The pieces you see are dependent on the kind of media you consume and are exposed to
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And then there are the snapshots you decide to believe, which in general will confirm preexisting beliefs or what you need to believe to justify your own predicament, which may have very little, if anything, to do with the war itself
Mar 14 16 tweets 6 min read
Chuck Schumer's watershed speech calling for new Israeli elections and the end of Netanyahu's time as PM drew sharp partisan reactions, demonstrating how the Israeli PM's standing in D.C. is becoming politicized like never before / @Bsamuels0
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The Likud Party released a statement regarding the speech, that reads: "Israel is not a banana republic, but an independent, proud democracy that elected Prime Minister Netanyahu" / @Bsamuels0
Mar 7 6 tweets 2 min read
27 Gaza detainees have died in custody at Israeli military facilities since the outbreak of the war, according to figures obtained by Haaretz
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The detainees died at the Sde Teiman and Anatot facilities or during questioning in Israeli territory. The IDF Spokesperson's Office said the Investigative Military Police has opened investigations into the deaths
Mar 3 6 tweets 2 min read
The police are holding Palestinians in makeshift cages made of bars, with no walls, beds or toilets, due to a shortage of prison cells
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Detainees who had permits allowing them to be in Israel that were revoked when the war broke out are being held in these cage-like cells, which are located outside a Border Police base in Atarot, near Jerusalem
Feb 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Israel's national lampoonery minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, recently fled his security guards and took a ride with his neighbor.

According to several sources, the security guards were forced to chase the minister over several kilometers
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Ben-Gvir was angry that the driver of the armored car did not arrive at his house in the morning and that the team was not ready for him as expected
Feb 4 6 tweets 2 min read
Reversing an earlier denial, IDF officials have admitted that a Telegram channel aimed at Israelis was operated by members of a department of the Operations Directorate
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The admission comes after an Haaretz exposé on the channel last month, which led to an internal investigation into the matter
Jan 28 12 tweets 4 min read
It's amazing to be shown over and over how clear the writing was on the wall – the long period during which the murderous plan that Hamas carried out on October 7 was known to Israeli political and military officials / Gidi Weitz
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"Everything has been known since 2014," said someone this week who served in an important security-related position at the time.

"There's nothing new under the sun," quipped another source
Jan 26 6 tweets 2 min read
The de-Judaization and universalization of the Holocaust inevitably meant that the Holocaust would become a stick that would be used to beat up the Jews themselves, writes @AnshelPfeffer
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This isn't a new phenomenon: as far back as the early 1950s, Jews were being called Nazis by Stalinist propaganda
Jan 17 6 tweets 2 min read
A week after the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli communities near the Gaza border, Aisha Al-Aza, a 19-year-old Palestinian resident of Hebron, went up to the roof of her home
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A man she recognized appeared across from her – a settler who was her neighbor. But there was something different. He was wearing a military uniform and was armed with an M16 assault rifle