hakluke Profile picture
Hacker, bounties, entrepreneur. I help cybersecurity companies produce amazing content for their blogs and socials. Founder of: @haksecio and @hacker_content
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Aug 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
How to exit vim the "Scrum manager way"!

1️⃣ Call in a meeting, early in the morning
2️⃣ Tell everybody what a good job they are doing.
3️⃣ Tell everybody that there is still a lot to do.

Continued in thread 🧵👇 Image 4️⃣ Tell everybody that "we" can do it.
5️⃣ Remind them of the importance of team work.
6️⃣ Go through the tickets.
7️⃣ Tell the project manager that a ticket for closing Vim is missing.

May 1, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
10 handy practical #hacking tools I've developed over the years 🧰

Check out this thread for the most valuable ones, along with a brief overview of their functions! 🧵👇 1️⃣ hakrawler

🔧 A simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application.

Apr 4, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Become an Nmap pro in 30s 👇🕥

Nmap is a port scanner, but it does much more including service/OS detection and even vuln scanning.

By default nmap does a standard TCP SYN scan on the top 1000 ports of host.

$ nmap host

For more verbosity use -v or -vv.

$ nmap -vv host

👇 Nmap accept hostnames, IP addresses, CIDR ranges and dash notation.

$ nmap hostname
$ nmap
$ nmap
$ nmap

If you just want to find which hosts are alive, you can perform a ping scan with -sn

$ nmap -sn
Apr 2, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I want to keep track of the latest cybersecurity news.

I also don't want to rely solely on Twitter.

Here are 5 great cybersecurity news outlets that I rely on daily! 👇 The /r/netsec subreddit is really, really good. If something big is going on in this industry, it's typically within the top 2 or 3 posts.

Jun 23, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Become an Nmap pro in 30s 👇🕥

Nmap is a port scanner, but it does much more including service/OS detection and even vuln scanning.

By default nmap does a standard TCP SYN scan on the top 1000 ports of host.

$ nmap host

For more verbosity use -v or -vv.

$ nmap -vv host

🧵👇 Nmap accept hostnames, IP addresses, CIDR ranges and dash notation.

$ nmap hostname
$ nmap
$ nmap
$ nmap

If you just want to find which hosts are alive, you can perform a ping scan with -sn

$ nmap -sn
May 11, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
I have created a lot of useful little hacking tools over the last few years, sometimes I tweet about them, sometimes I don't.

Here's a list of some of the most useful ones, and a brief explanation of what they do! 🧵👇 Hakrawler is a simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application.

May 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨 I wrote a new tool! 🚨

This tool is designed to bypass WAFs by discovering the origin web server IP. I'm sure someone has come up with this technique before, but I haven't seen it...

This is how it works 🧵👇 First it makes a HTTP request to the hostname that you provide and stores the response, then it makes a request to a list of IP addresses that you provide via HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443), with the Host header set to the original host. 🧵👇
Apr 11, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
I got hacked really badly once 😬. Here's the story.

I was a musician, and I was on tour, staying in a motel somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in NSW, Australia.

I got back to the motel late at night after a performance and parked my car in the Motel parking lot. 👇🧵 I left a backpack in the car which had some music-related stuff in it, along with my iPad. I used an iPad for all of my sheet music on stage because it was easier than carrying paper around, and owning a printer. 👇🧵
Apr 5, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
I want to keep track of the latest cybersecurity news.

I also don't want to spend all my time on Twitter.

Here are 5 great cybersecurity news outlets that I rely on!

🧵👇 I find /r/netsec to be the most informative cybersecurity news stream, if anything big is going on in cybersecurity it's typically within the top few posts on this subreddit.
Mar 14, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
It's 9am and I'm 2 coffees deep on a Monday morning.

Time for a thread about starting and building your cybersecurity career.

👇🧵 First let's talk about the hardest part - landing your first job.

You need two things:

🧠 Knowledge
📢 Demonstration of knowledge
Jan 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Years ago, I walked into a last minute on-site pentest. It was a tech startup mostly funded by a single large customer. ~20 staff.

I walked in and it was tense AF from the start. I found out that their AWS environment got popped and someone had spun up a stack of crypto-mining infra. They didn't even notice until they got the bill.

They had no idea how it happened. Their idea was to get a pentest that might uncover the same hole.

I ran a nmap NSE scan on all their external hosts - it turned up an open HTTP proxy on one of their web servers.
Sep 1, 2021 12 tweets 12 min read
This huge Twitter thread contains what I think are all of the best resources for learning to hack in 2021.

Buckle up!

Here we goooo! 👇 Firstly, here are some other repositories containing lists of resources:

Nahamsec's Resources for beginners: github.com/nahamsec/Resou…

Codingo's search bar: codingo.com/search/

@s0cm0nkeysec's gitbook: s0cm0nkey.gitbook.io/s0cm0nkeys-sec…

@InfoSecComm's blog infosecwriteups.com
Jan 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
There is still SO MUCH CSRF to find in bounty programs.

CSRF comes in many forms. Try:

- Removing the token parameter entirely
- Setting the token to a blank string
- Changing the token to an invalid token of the same format
- Using a different user's token

More in thread 👇 - Put the parameters in the URL instead of POST body (and remove the token) and change the HTTP verb to GET
- Testing every sensitive endpoint
- Check whether the token might be guessed / cracked
Dec 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I've been finding a lot of access control bugs lately! Here's how.

Firstly I have two users, one with high privileges (admin), and one with low privileges (joe). I log in as the admin first, and use all the functionality. Whenever I do something that should...

Thread 👇 be reserved for an administrator, I send the request over to Repeater. Once I have a stack of them, I get the cookies from the "joe" account and insert them into those requests. I send them and analyse the difference in response to see if it worked. If it did, I report it!
May 22, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Nmap tutorial time!

Nmap is a port scanner, but it does so much more including service/OS detection and even vuln scanning.

By default nmap does a standard TCP SYN scan on the top 1000 ports of host.

$ nmap host

For more verbosity use -v or -vv.

$ nmap -vv host

THREAD ⬇️ Nmap accept hostnames, IP addresses, CIDR ranges and dash notation.

$ nmap hostname
$ nmap
$ nmap
$ nmap

If you just want to find which hosts are alive, you can perform a ping scan with -sn

$ nmap -sn
Feb 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The best way I've found to bypass open redirect filters is using this list: raw.githubusercontent.com/swisskyrepo/Pa…

First I replace every instance of www.whitelisteddomain.tld in that file with a domain that is whitelisted using the following command: WHITELISTED="test.com" && sed 's/www.whitelisteddomain.tld/'"$WHITELISTED"'/' Open-Redirect-payloads.txt > Open-Redirect-payloads-burp-"$WHITELISTED".txt && echo "$WHITELISTED" | awk -F. '{print "https://"$0"."$NF}' >> Open-Redirect-payloads-burp-"$WHITELISTED".txt
Jul 11, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Here's a little problem I run into all the time, and how I solve it.

I've SSH'd into a machine, started a long running process (let's say, nmap). Now I need to disconnect from SSH, but I want to keep the process running in a tmux/screen session? How do I do this? Read on! 1/x First, I background the process by hitting Ctrl+Z, then keep it running by using the "bg" command, and disown it with "disown nmap". 2/x