Razor Profile picture
Conservative politics humor. Satire. Snark. Sarcasm. Succinctness. Brevity is the soul - nay, the very essence and entire being - of wit, irony, and jocularity.
CBStrike27 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 21, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
The greatest global threat is the earth's northern pole traveling farther and farther from the sun, causing longer and longer nights, and, absent immediate action, transforming our hemisphere into a world of cold and darkness. We need an international pact to stop this unprecedented threat to our globe.

An agreement where the richest nations give cash to the study of reversing harm from global axial tilt is a small price to pay to save our world from the threat of unending night & doom.

Oct 24, 2016 6 tweets 1 min read
Gift to FBI DC bureau as probe starts: COINCIDENCE
FBI DC boss promoted same month: COINCIDENCE
Russia gift during uranium sale: COINCIDENCE Emails deleted after subpoena: COINCIDENCE
Speaking fees boom as H lands State-COINCIDENCE
State IT guy also on Clinton payroll: COINCIDENCE