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Kin ✨ || 28 || ✨ he/they 🫀 Sukuita + Goyuu 🤞🏻• Dark!Yuuji enthusiast NSFW content so minors show yourselves out • BG by @nakamurakleo_
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Dude how cool would it be if Zombie Yuuji and Human Sukuna met somewhere in the middle?

Like during sex Yuuji bites him just a tiny bit, not enough to infect but just enough to draw a lil blood. They think they escape the consequences and it kinda feels good-kinda tingly. So it keeps happening. And over time Yuuji seems to get a little more color and his eyes get a little clearer, but Sukuna goes ashen and starts to crave a piece of whatever victim theyve landed for Yuuji.
Jul 13, 2021 47 tweets 9 min read
Heart Rot
| Skita zombie au + kinda angsty ngl |

Sukuna would've thought the end of the world might have finally gotten Yuuji to grow the fuck up. But the brat just loves proving him wrong. Won't answer the phone. Won't reply to a text. And he of course hasn't bothered to show up at the rendezvous since Wednesday.
He'll beat the shit out of him when he finally finds him, and they'll call it even. It's kinda lucky he ran into this horde beforehand. Great practice.
Jul 1, 2021 57 tweets 10 min read
Tarry a While Longer
|| Sukuita courting au || no TW || just fluff ||

“My lord, I hate to see you like this. I beg you, let me end this matter on your behalf.” Uraume begs

But their pleas fall on deaf ears, Sukuna just dips his brush to begin again. He’s been at this for hours. The remains of dozens of previous attempts lie crumpled at his feet. Without swift intervention Uraume fears their master is nearing the point of madness

“I have already done him a great disservice.” He grunts. “I will not add to my debt by having my affections penned by another
May 25, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
I'm not sure where I first heard the theory that Kenjaku made Yuuji with one of Sukuna's fingers but I love it for multiple reasons
To start this moment has always stuck with me.
I refuse to believe you can get this strong of an impression from traces of Sukuna's energy on a box We only see the spectral form of Sukuna's true face when entering his domain or when he's using domain expansion.
It's the audiovisual cue for Sukuna's soul having a focused presence in a scene and we're first given it when Megumi meets Yuuji.
May 24, 2021 29 tweets 6 min read
Childhood friends + reincarnation pt 4

Procedure dictates that the vessel of Sukuna is to be moved to the containment room. His wrists need to be bound in shimenawa and the walls have to be plastered with enough ofuda to seal god before they can even begin to examine him for a possible stay of execution.

Gojo decides teleporting the teen to his estate is an acceptable substitution.
He’s stretched out on the engawa watching the sunrise and failing to get his thoughts in order. He finds himself looking back every minute or so to make sure Yuuji’s
May 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I actually take a lot of inspo from my own disastrous dating experiences for goyuu fics
I have a shit ghosting incident that I was thinking about using so hear me out... After the death of his gramps Yuuji is feelin more and more alone despite the loving people he surrounds himself with. One day he just gets plastered and tells his sob story to some guy smoking outside
He's kinda cute, but that doesn't matter. What does is he holds him as he crys
May 8, 2021 34 tweets 7 min read
Goyuu childhood friends + reincarnation pt3

Gojo tried to live through the rest of his teenage years in a way that he hoped would make Yuuji happy. It was hard at first. Smiles didn't come easily and he had to fake laughter for years before it felt natural again, but by the time he was due to enroll into jujutsu tech he felt like he had reclaimed a little bit of that part of himself that his clan elders had tried to smother. The fact he could make friends openly here-even if they were with his own kind-was motivation enough to loosen up. Gojo clicked
May 7, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
Lets Part 2 this bad boy!

Over a decade later, Gojo will find himself unable to sleep some nights over what could have lead to that day. The hours slip by trying to remember what he must’ve done as a 13 year old to tip off the fact he’d made a friend outside of the jujutsu world He'd never been a stupid kid. He knew to pack towels and water bottles to wipe his knees after they horsed around by the creek, he picked out all the dirt from under his nails, and most of all he kept his kimono safely stashed away so it'd remain pristine. Gojo was too careful to
May 3, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
goyuu childhood friend au + reincarnation

Satoru's childhood on the Gojo estate was lonely. Amongst a schedule packed with tutors and jujutsu training there was little to look forward to for a boy his age-save for one bright exception. Yuuji.
Sometime in his 7th year Satoru stumbled upon the pink-haired boy, halfway up a tree stealing persimmons. Gojo silently watched the stranger pluck the golden fruit and drop them into the growing pile in the hem of his T-shirt. He'd stuck his tuck out as he prepared to reach for a particularly high piece when
May 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I gotta muse a bit more about sea gods sukuita

Yuuji wakes up in a shallow pool wrapped in seaweed. His bones ache and groan against each other as he untangles himself from the slimy nest. His mind struggles to recall how he ended up here. Naked and groggy must mean this is a hangover, but he has no memory of drinking. He gropes around looking for clothes, but in the process, he comes to notice something.
This cave has no opening or fissures. The walls are smooth and featureless all the way up. The only possible entrance is through the pool, so that
May 2, 2021 33 tweets 7 min read
Sukuita🔱au cw death
Yuuji always tried to make the best of things, but as his little rowboat grinds against the stony shore he finds himself struggling. This is his first season on the island and fever has shaved the three-person team down to two. He knows Megumi will join them eventually, but it’s going to be a rough start to his three-month term without him. They're around the same age and Megumi only has a single season under his belt. Todou, on the other hand, was grizzled and odd after years spent tending the light, and just from
Apr 29, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
Bad Fruit
Itasuku Post-shibuya dark!yuuji

He’d been roving Tokyo for a few days, mindlessly killing curses. He needed to feel claws tearing at his skin, teeth snapping by his ear, sinking his fist into something that would resist him. It wasn’t enough. He couldn’t replicate the moment at all, and it was driving him further and further down a road he wasn't sure he could come back from.

There were a lot of things Yuuji should be feeling after what happened in Shibuya. Grief, anger, despair, all would make sense. But it’s jealousy that keeps
Apr 16, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Codependent vessel sukuita contd.🪢
He should be terrified.
Yuuji’s plummeting into humid darkness, but it’s honestly a relief. There are no disappointed faces watching over his descent, and all he can feel is gratitude. But then he finds himself plummeting through the space between an enormous set of ribs, and he
Apr 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
On further review how funny would it be if Sukuna goes through the whole process of perfecting Yuuji so he looks like his old body and Uraume finds a way to free Sukuna from Yuuji’s body.
The only catch is he looks exactly as he does in the innate domain. Two arms, 5”9, no mouth In his stomach. He’s still ecstatic about his freedom but its kind of raining on his parade that he’s stuck in this form and not the glorious one he gave Yuuji
Yuuji kind of loves it though. Now every run in with jujustu sorcerers or cowering curses begins with him being mistaken
Apr 14, 2021 29 tweets 6 min read
Merged Sukuita Shibuya AU//
Somehow despite all odds, Yuuji was able to get to Shibuya before Kenjaku opened prison realm. It slinks through the crowd wearing Geto's skin, and Gojo falters as he paralyzed by the impossibility in front of him. His six eyes are so busy unraveling what he's seeing that he barely registers the cube hitting the ground in front of him. His infinity instinctually deactivates as a pair of familiar arms wrap around him and throw him out of the way
Prison Realm Open
As he gets his bearings and picks himself off of the subway tile
Apr 13, 2021 43 tweets 8 min read
Ok, now I want witch Yuuji. The itadori family used to be a powerful clan of witches before they were wiped out on suspicion that they were receiving boons from demons. Yuuji survives the purge and is whisked away by his grandfather to the countryside. His heritage isn't kept secret entirely. Wasuke teaches him the basics and nature magic. But Yuuji grows beyond that and has strange aptitudes for a young witch. His constitution and strength are well beyond abnormal but more than that he's able to see and communicate with spirits.
Apr 10, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
Unfair // Goyuu cheating au

Gojo truly believed it would be a one-time thing. He loved Yuuji more than anything, but the pressure he was under was starting to get to him. All the shit he’d been putting off at work came back to bite him in the ass and now the company has him running around the country till he drops.
Home hasn’t been much better. Every precious minute he gets at home Yuuji wants to spend going over the move with him. He thinks if he has to spend another second talking about what kind of windows they should have the contractor put into
Apr 8, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Anyways Gojo would totally be down to help uraume cook fancy human meat for sukuita. He's got the special grade munny so he's really excited to introduce them to all sorts of expensive ingredients. Truffle glazed pancreas, marula Honey saffron cheek, braised marrow with caviar😋 i wanna think uraume wouldn't be so much of a traditionalist that they wouldn't appreciate all the lavish cooking appliances Gojo buys for them to use. Gojo will try to justify it by saying it'll save time so they can make even more new courses for their master to try
Apr 5, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
I want horrifically codependent Sukuita in the canon universe! I want Yuuji's sense of self to be so entrenched in his identity as Sukuna's vessel that the idea of separating is paralyzing. Gojo just needs to be a little more distant, his classmates a little warier of him as a vessel, the higher-ups a little more open with their hatred, and it'd drive poor Yuuji straight into his king's arms