How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App any scenario where AI leads to super abundance it will be hard not to share in the wealth by accident. Monetary wealth would be a lot less relevant in general. Unless there's a middle-period where you need wealth to buttress the societal effects of sub-superintelligence. Malthusian intuition is for more people to equal less per person. So how can a growing population grow *per-capita* living standards? populist Republican running for Congress in Mississippi is proposing a large child allowance for married families in Mississippi. Welcome to 2022. Though not sure why younger kids get less and not the other way around. @danielgross The Austrian school is differentiated from other schools of economics by two related conceptual moves:"Being Tom Cruise" is a high skill job because there's only one Tom Cruise, and he sells a lot of movie tickets. Sure, he does his own stunts, but relative to other equally skilled stuntmen, that's not what explains his earnings premium. this guy get a little too handsy in college? His hair doo says "yes," but who knows or cares? No Canadian, that's for sure.