Hamilton Nolan Profile picture
Writer on labor and politics: @Guardian, @InTheseTimesMag, @CJR. Writing a book on the labor movement. RIP Gawker/ Splinter. Email: Hamilton.nolan@gmail.com
Oct 20, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
I'm gonna do a big thread of some reported stories I did for Splinter. I hope my colleagues will do the same. Partly just to put them out one more time but also because I still hear people dismissing the death of online news outlets as if only worthless blogs were lost. Ok: Labor history and desperation in West Virginia.
May 21, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
I'm going to do a thread about my reporting on the @AFLCIO. For better or worse, the AFL-CIO is at the center of the organized labor movement in America. Even people who love unions are exasperated at the AFL-CIO. But what it does matters. It's important. 1/ In 2017 I interviewed Richard Trumka, then and still the president of the AFL-CIO. What stood out most to me was when I asked him what his plan for reviving union membership was, he said vaguely, "It's multifaceted." That seemed like a bad sign. splinternews.com/richard-trumka…
Sep 2, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ In response to criticism over low wages this week, Amazon publicly urged its warehouse workers to "share your experiences working at Amazon." In fact, those workers have already been sharing their experiences for more than five years now. 2/ July 29, 2013: "This was actually the bulk of our training - to have it pounded into everyone's skull not to steal."