Dr Hannah Rose Wardill Profile picture
SuperStarofSTEM developing #supponc solutions to ensure people don't just survive cancer, but they survive WELL! https://t.co/z2GUk65mrm - @SuppOncRG
Sep 29, 2021 16 tweets 11 min read
A 🧵on our new work on preclinical #FaecalMicrobiomeTransplantation studies!

A while back, I began to plan my own #FMT study.

Turns out, the literature is wildly varied but mainly it is pretty difficult to find a protocol that has all the nitty gritty detail you need.

So me and my team (@kate_secombe @GhanyahA @CourtneySubra11 @JacquiScott0 @YsabellaVan @JoanneBowen_UoA) and some incredible collaborators (@jfcryan @CassGheorghe @caitlincowanPhD @Matt_Snelson @UCCpsychiatry) decided to do something about it!

@Pharmabiotic @UniofAdelaide
