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Nov 21, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Located near Sibi in Balochistan, Pakistan, ancient city of Mehrgarh (7000 BC-2000 BC) is the oldest Neolithic human settlement in Pakistan and also in this region with evidence of farming (wheat and barley), herding (cattle, sheep and goats) and proto-dentistry. 7000 BC Mehrgarh city of Pakistan was discovered in 1974 by an archaeological team directed by French archaeologist Jean-François Jarrige, and was excavated continuously between 1974 and 1986, and again from 1997 to 2000.
Nov 20, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Two Nation Theory is 1000s of yeard old. 9000 years old Indus Valley Civilisation of Pakistan concludes this fact. Over 2000 years ago Mahabharata, Vayu, Matsya & Brahmanda Puranas stated it. 1000 years ago Alberuni qualified it. In 1930s people of Pakistan confirmed this fact. References

Mahabharata, Vayu, Matsya & Brahmanda Puranas

Al Beruni's India by Dr Edward C Sachau
Nov 19, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
On 1 Aug 1947, Mountbatten cancelled 60 year lease of Muslim majority Gilgit Baltistan to Dogra ruler of Jammu & Kashmir. People of Gilgit Baltistan launched a liberation war against Dogra forces on 1 Nov 1947. By 15 Nov 1947, Gilgit Baltistan was liberated & acceded to Pakistan. ImageImage In a jointly coordinated effort Commandant Gilgit Scouts Major William Alexander Brown, Muslim officers of Dogra State Forces & Muslim Viceroy Commissioned Officers decided to rise in a liberation war against Dogra State Forces when Raja decided to join India instead of Pakistan. ImageImageImageImage
Nov 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Republic of India, collectively as a country, never had an ancient name. Hind, Hindustan & India being cognate of River Indus of Pakistan, were ancient names of Pakistan. Even Bharat was refered to a spatially delimited social order & never a politically organised entity. References: Hind was ancient name of Pakistan

Ancient Near Eastern History and Culture By William H Stiebing Jr

Faith & Philosophy of Zoroastrianism By Meena Iyer

Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture edited by JP Mallory, Douglas Q Adams
Aug 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
3 Oct 1993, 2 US Blackhawk helicopters shot down by Somalis in Mogadishu. In recovery operation US Rangers were surrounded by Somalis. Indian & Italian armies refused to support US Rangers. Pakistan Army led part of operation, fought bravely & safely recovered over 40 US Rangers. During planning of rescue operation, the US Rangers sought tank support for their ground rescue operation from Indian & Italian army contingents in Somalia as their tanks had night fighting capability. Both the armies refused to support the US Forces at this critical hour.
Aug 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
More than 2700 years ago a huge university existed in ancient Pakistan, near Islamabad where over 10,500 students including students from 16 different countries came for higher studies. Great scholars taught over 64 different disciplines. This was Taxila (Takshashila) University. Professor Noam Chomsky attributes the origin of linguistics, as also a product of Taxila (Takshashila) University of Pakistan.
May 31, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
During 1886-1947, in Punjab, Pakistan significant internal migrations took place due to creation of 9 canal colonies by British. Uncultivable lands in Lyallpur, Sorgodha, Shahpur, Sahiwal, Multan, Gujranwala, Sheikhupura, Gujarat & Sialkot Dists were turned into cultivable land. The canal colonies were created to meet the imperial British needs of wheat and cotton and other agri-produce etc for use in Britain, to raise mares, mules and studs and camels for the police and army, and to decongest the crowded parts of the province.
May 29, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Original abode of Afghans and Pashtuns has always been the Suleiman Range of Pakistan, due to which they were also known as Sulemanis. Ahmed Shah Abdali, born in Multan, Pakistan in 1722, created the first Pakistani Afghan Empire from 1747–1772. ImageImage Earlier, Pashtuns were also called Sulemanis as Koh-i-Suleman, Pakistan was their country. Qasim Sulemani's disciple who wrote Asrar-ul-Afghan says Pashtuns are also called Sulemanis in Hind (Pakistan). Ibn-i-Batuta stated, Afghans are Sulemanis as their abode is Suleman Range. Image
May 23, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
11 drilled teeth for dental restoration in a living person were found in 9 adults in a graveyard at Mehrgarh, Pakistan dating from 9000-7500 years ago. It evidenced practice of dentistry. Presumably, know-how acquired by artisans of bead production was used to drill human teeth. Reference

In 2006, British scientific journal Nature wrote; first evidence of drilling of human teeth was found at excavation in Mehrgarh, Pakistan.

Biomaterials: A Tantalus Experience by Jozef A. Helsen, Yannis Missirlis
May 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Sir Creek is 2nd major dispute between Pakistan & India. Emerged in 1905 between states of Sindh & Kutch. Resolved in 1914. Not objected by both countries in 1947. Re-emerged after Apr 1965 clashes. UN Boundary Commission marked Pillar 1175, stating rest resolved per 1914 award. Later, Republic of India deviated from its position. Ist claimed western line of Sir Creek and later changed it to the centre (red line) of Creek. Pakistan claims eastern (green) line of Sir Creek as international border, as agreed to in 1914 resolution.
Mar 26, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
Let us remember the 500,000 innocent Pakistani civilian men, women & children massacred by Indian Army & Indian Army trained Mukti Bahini terrorists in 110 cities of East Pakistan during 1971.

Let us also remember over 50,000 innocent Pakistani civilians made POWs by Indian Army Indian sponsored Mukti Bahini reign of terror remains one of the most barbaric chapters of human miseries. Humanity wept as men were beheaded in front of their wives, children lynched & murdered in mothers’ wombs, women brutally raped & their naked bodies mutilated in streets.
Jan 31, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
وادئ سندھ کی تہذیب، قدرتی طور پر وجود میں آنے والی دریائے سندھ کی وادی سے ملحقہ، باہم ملے ہوئے بلکل علیحدہ جغرافیائی خطے پر محیط ہے۔ 5000 سال قبل عراقی اسے ملوہا کہتے تھے۔ بعدازاں اسے دریائے سندھ کے نام کی مناسبت سے ہند، اندوس، ہندوستان، انڈیا اور 1947 میں پاکستان کا نام دیا گیا۔ بین الاَقوامی تاریخی قواعد کے مطابق کسی بھی ملک کی قدیم تاریخ اس ملک کے موجودہ نام ہی سے جانی جاتی ہے۔ اگست 1947 کے تقریباً اڑھائی سال بعد، 1950 میں، برطانوی سَر مورٹیمر وہیلر، جو کہ دنیا کے مشہور، آثار قدیمہ کے ماہر تھے، "پاکستان کے 5000 سال" کے نام سے انگریزی میں ایک کتاب لکھی۔
Jan 30, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
Located near Sibi in Balochistan, ancient city of Mehrgarh (7000 BC-2000 BC) is the oldest Neolithic human settlement in Pakistan and also in this region with evidence of farming (wheat and barley), herding (cattle, sheep and goats) and proto-dentistry. 7000 BC Mehrgarh city of Pakistan was discovered in 1974 by an archaeological team directed by French archaeologist Jean-François Jarrige, and was excavated continuously between 1974 and 1986, and again from 1997 to 2000.
Dec 27, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
3000 years ago Hindu meant peoples living in a geographical area. In 8th century Adishankara identified 6 major pagan faiths; Hindu/Hinduism was not included. In 1833 British formalised Hinduism as religion by adding numerous native faiths & it emerged as youngest major religion. According to Indian President Dr S Radhakrishnan, "term Hindu had originally a territorial & not credal (religious) significance. It implies residence in a well-defined geographical area." Also, both Jains and Buddhists state that their religions are older than Hinduism.
Dec 25, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
بین الاَقوامی تاریخی قواعد کے مطابق کسی بھی ملک کی قدیم تاریخ اس ملک کے موجودہ نام ہی سے جانی جاتی ہے۔ اگست 1947 کے تقریباً اڑھائی سال بعد، 1950 میں، برطانوی سَر مورٹیمر وہیلر، جو کہ دنیا کے مشہور، آثار قدیمہ کے ماہر تھے، "پاکستان کے 5000 سال" کے نام سے انگریزی میں ایک کتاب لکھی۔ 1962 میں، پیٹرسن اور ڈرمنڈ نے "سؤان دی پلیؤلِتھِک آف پاکستان" کے نام سے ایک کتاب لکھی۔ (پلیؤلِتھِک وہ زمانہ ہے جب انسان پتھر کے اوزار بناتا تھا اور تقریبا 33 لاکھ سال پہلے سے 11،650 سال پہلے کے درمیان کا زمانہ مانا جاتا ہے)۔
Dec 12, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Indians say plebiscite in Kashmir couldn't be held due to non-withdrawal of Pak Army. UN Resolution of 13 Aug 48 says Pak start withdrawal process Ist & while its army WAS BEING WITHDRAWN, bulk of Indian Army was to start withdrawal. India refused to share withdrawal plan with UN While Pakistan shared its Army's withdrawal plan with UN Mission, it were the Indians who refused to share their withdrawal plan with UN. It clearly meant, they had no intention of withdrawing their forces from Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Indian farce is exposed.
Dec 11, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Invasion of Kashmir by Indian Sikh Jathas & Hindus began in Jul 1947 in Jammu region, much before Pathan tribesmen entered Kashmir to protect Muslims. It happend after Jammu massacre by Indian Sikhs & Hindus till Oct 1947, killing well over 250,000 & ethnic cleansing of Muslims. Indian Sikh Plan for invasion of Jammu & Kashmir was conceived in 1945. Its outlines started emerging in early 1947. Indian Sikh Jathas & Hindus invaded Jammu first, killing over 250,000 Muslims & ethnically cleansed over 500,000 into Pakistan to change Jammu region's demography.
Dec 10, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Around 6000 years ago, an enhanced socio-cultural interaction between various regions of urbanised phase of Indus Valley of Pakistan commenced. Gradually, a geographically unified entity was transforming into a socio-cultural & civilisational unitary order, called Pakistan. Image Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) did not consist of City States like Mesopotamia. More similarities than differences attribute to IVC like governance, weight measurements, size of bricks, similar pottery/terracotta, city grids, construction standards, trade practices & a lot more.
Jun 30, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Pakistan is Land of Indus. Also called Abaseen, Father of Rivers. In Rig Veda, written in Pakistan (1500 BC), Indus has been identified as the only male river in area. Tributaries of Indus have been identified as female rivers.

Pakistan thus, is the Fatherland & not Motherland. In Tibet Indus is called as god river & in Pashto, Father of Rivers. Rig Veda applies feminine gender to all rivers, except Sindhu with a masculine gender. Sindhu is seen as a strong warrior amongst other rivers seen as goddesses & compared to cows & mares yielding milk & butter.
Jun 13, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Many people in Pakistan believe that Raja Porus who fought the Battle of Hydaspes (326 BCE) against Alexander of Macedon was a Hindu. Raja Porus was not a Hindu but a Buddhist and this has been confirmed by many well known Numismatic scholars. Indian religious scripture Satapatha Brahmana (500BC) calls Puru tribe Rakshasas & Asuras (Demons). Also used for Buddhists. Hindus say Porus (fought Alexander of Macedon) was a Puru & thus Hindu. Can Asura or Rakshasas be Hindus. Porus was Buddhist. Numismatics confirm this fact
Jun 8, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
There were two theatres of 71 war, western theatre & eastern theatre. Though Pakistanis fought bravely, they lost battle of eastern theatre. Indians did not succeed in western theatre. Pakistan did not lose 1971 war; it retained its original territory, sovereignty & independence. 1940 Pakistan Resolution at Lahore, stated formation of soverign state(s) from contiguous Muslim majority areas. Only Punjab, Afghania (KP), Kashmir, Sindh = PAKISTAN, were contiguous Muslim majority areas. Bengal was not contiguous to Pakistan and as such its B was not added.