Hannah Profile picture
civil rights lawyer @WashLaw4CR | no rights without remedies | words mostly on PACER
Nov 17, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
After a few months focused on oral argument prep, I bring you: A thread about oral argument prep!*

*everyone prepares differently, do what works for you, this is just one junior appellate attorney's perspective, and so forth 1. READING: I start by re-reading the briefs and the record. By the time oral argument is scheduled, I've forgotten a lot of the twists and turns of the case. So I spend some time gently refreshing myself on the facts and the law. No note-taking yet, no heavy-duty memorization.
Sep 24, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
I'm on track to be a panelist on seven moots this semester -- so, friends, I think it's time for a moot thread. Being a moot panelist is a big responsibility! The advocate is relying on you to anticipate the weaknesses in their arguments and help them decide how to respond. To do it well, you have to prepare (and prepare, and prepare some more).
Aug 5, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Ok folks, I've been writing a lot of reply briefs this summer, so let's talk about 'em. Here it is: Hannah's thoughts on how to draft a reply brief that sends your opponent's arguments into the sun*

*reply brief strategies are highly contested, there's no one correct way, etc 1. When the red brief comes in, pour yourself a big glass of wine and steel yourself. This is the hardest part -- Schrodinger's brief contains every argument you're most afraid of. The actual brief is never as scary as the one you've written in your head
Jul 7, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
Today I'm starting the stage of appellate brief writing that most intimidates students -- initial research! A thread on how I survey the legal landscape and make sure I start off on the right foot: 1. Start by reading the briefing and decision below. (I know, advanced stuff here.) Pick out the most important authorities: leading cases, statutes, regulations. Don't worry about the more nuanced twists and turns for now. You want to build your own understanding of the law.