Yevarժiaղ Profile picture
Ismaili Crypto-Zoroastrian. Mostly bookposting. Longread threads🧵 in 'Highlights'.
Maleph Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 14 17 tweets 13 min read
Thread w/excerpts from Zubok's "Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union".
The author believe's the USSR's dissolution was not inevitable, & US pressure had little to do with it. Rereading this, I'm still astounded by Gorbachev's naivety & hubris - unshaken even to the very end.🧵Image A key to understanding Gorbachev, ignored by both Western & Russian historiography: "He was the last true Leninist believer".
Gorbachev believed in the myth (for schoolchildren) of Lenin as a kindly man, only forced to rule through terror by extreme circumstances. As an adult. Image
May 9 34 tweets 20 min read
Thread w/excerpts of "Disorderly Liberty".
Anyone claiming "real Libertarianism🐍has never been tried" has never heard of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
For over a century, its government, by design, atrophied to almost nothing, until it was extinguished by outsiders.🧵Image Background up the the 18th Century.
Despite the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's [hence PLC] compound name & bewildering ethnic diversity, by the 1600s PLC elite was entirely Polish in culture & speech.
Russians/Ukrainians were by far the 2nd largest group, mostly downtrodden.Image
May 3 17 tweets 12 min read
Thread w/excerpts of "The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor".
On the Turkish conquest & cultural transformation of Anatolia, Byzantium's former heartland. This process culminated under the Ottomans, who founded an Empire uniquely ruled by white/European Muslims.🧵
Image The disaster at Manzikert was preceded by decades of aristocratic Greek infighting & administrative drift, but most crucially the de-facto disbanding (to become tax farmers) of the Byzantine reservist core - the "Themes".
Photo from Treadgold (2nd-hand book, not my underlining):
May 1 7 tweets 3 min read
Finally finished re-reading this great fat tome about a week ago. Didn't bother excerpting to 𝕏, was purely for pleasure, a well-known topic, & many Byzantine-themed accounts exist here already.
There was one argument by Treadgold that really stood out to me this time however: Image Namely his explanation for Byzantium's sudden & incredibly steep decline. Over a mere century it went from Basil II's tightly-run & unified realm, ringed by either vassals or cringing & defeated enemies, to one on the verge of collapse, riddled by corruption & political anarchy.
Apr 27 25 tweets 18 min read
Book excerpt 🧵on the Islamisation of the Javanese, the de-facto ruling race of Indonesia & nearly half its population. Over the 20thC Java went from a fundamentally pagan/Vedic society Muslim in name only, to an Islamic one now rapidly jetissoning its old culture & way of life.

Indonesia remains near-invisible globally as a country that's just competent enough to have stable government & avoid wars, but far too poor to project power/culture abroad. However, as E. Asian birthrates collapse & demand labour, this will change.
So its Islamisation matters.
Apr 12 13 tweets 8 min read
Pt. 2 of Stove's review of Jaynes' theory of the Bicameral Mind. Very trenchant point on the total absence of intellectual reasoning in how people arrive at religious belief. Yet "they spring up spontaneously, with irresistible force, almost everywhere in the soil of humanity".
Image Stove's commendation of Jaynes' theory of religion tracing its origins to auditory hallucinations, combining both immediacy & delusiveness. Unlike nearly all other senses, hearing is "peculiarly mandatory". Well, there's also smell.. but let's not go there. Image
Apr 7 25 tweets 19 min read
Thread w/excerpts reviewing one of my favourite non-fiction books ever, J. Jayne's "Origins of Consciousness.." by David Stove. Jaynes posited that human consciousness & internal monologue developed within *historical times*, evolving from involuntarily hallucinated voices.🧵

The reviewer D. Stove, was a tenured Philosophy professor at Sydney uni. He was often characterised as a Logical Positivist, a label he rejected, mainly due to his own deep pessimism on mankind's ability to think rationally. We'll see this informs his own fascination with Jaynes.

Mar 24 26 tweets 20 min read
Thread on how ex-Yugoslavia & the Balkans emerged in the 90s as world leaders in cigarette smuggling, arms trafficking & hub for the international drug trade.
There were endemic factors, but as usual the US greatly exacerbated the problem. Excerpts from M. Glenny's "McMafia". 🧵

Preliminaries. In the aftermath of the collapse of Communism, each state's underworld earned reputations for unique aptitudes in varying criminal specialties. For Bulgaria & Albania it was car-theft. Yugoslavia it was arms & cigarettes. Ukraine & Moldova, human trafficking. Etc. Image
Mar 18 25 tweets 21 min read
Another Scandinavia thread, this time excerpting Stoddard, a once world-famous American author.
Writing (1924) on Europe during its unstable interwar period. Stoddard was deeply pessimistic over Europe's future, but he saw Scandinavia's recent history as a source of hope.🧵

Nordic successes of the early 20th Century were & are virtually invisible to a casual reader of the news cycle.
Between Colonial Crises abroad, Balkan Wars, WW1 & the Russian Revolution, Scandinavia's quiet solving of some potentially very serious problems had gone unnoticed.

Mar 16 30 tweets 23 min read
Thread w/excerpts from Toynbee's 'The Abortive Scandinavian Civilisation'.
Specifically, his thesis that the Norse, in the aftermath of Rome's fall & the Germanic migrations, had developed an embryonic Civilisation all of their own -which was snuffed out by Christianity.🧵

This chapter is presented both as a sequel & comparison to Toynbee's "The Abortive Far-Western Christian Civilisation". For a time, Ireland culturally bloomed under its own independent Church, which even proselytised in direct competition against an infant Roman Catholicism.

Mar 12 26 tweets 14 min read
In light of a 𝕏 personality interviewing the ex-CEO of Blackwater, thought I'd get up a thread on the topic of soldiers for hire.
Specifically, the fate of the Greek mercenaries who fought with the Persians against Macedon. Excerpts from Badian's seminal article 'Harpalus'.🧵
The late Persian Empire had hired ever-growing numbers of Greek mercs, mainly to supress internal revolts. Although the degree to which the Persians were dependent on them is now thought to be exaggerated, the total in Persian service was nonetheless enormous by Alexander's time.
Mar 7 14 tweets 9 min read
Literary attaq🧵w/excerpts of Nabokov's devastating critique of Dostoevsky. When I first read N's book as a Dostoevsky-fanboy teen, it annoyed & even upset me.
Especially because Nabokov's barbs are incredibly accurate, insightful & funny to read. I still like Dostoevsky btw.
Quoted book is top-left... yes I'm a Nabokov completist, he's written so many greater books than Lolita. I've blanked-out any plot SPOILER text in images for anyone who hasn't read Dostoevsky's novels already, unless explicitly marked. Image
Feb 14 12 tweets 7 min read
Starting this year's thread-of-threads of new books I've read in current year 2024 (old phone photo unrelated). Prefer reading hardcopy when possible to minimise distractions, but will sometimes get PDF screenshots post-fact if a passage is particularly interesting. 🧵 Image Finished this early January. The most striking thing about Gobineau is his extreme, even religious level of pessimism & resignation. This despite he lived during an era of among the most rapid & transformative of technological advancements in all history.
Jan 11 17 tweets 9 min read
Excerpts of "The Old World in the New", a sociological survey of America's main immigrant strains, from the first Anglo settlers to the Germans, Irish, Slavs etc.
More timely today than ever, it was written in 1914, when US immigrant % of total-pop was at its all-time peak.🧵 Image Starting off, I'm exploiting the current tunnel-chatter trend to excerpt from ch.7, on Jewish migrants.
DISCLAIMER: I don't want spamming of dumb 'Nazi' comments. Personally I'm neither anti- nor philosemitic. I also think Isr-Pali conflict should be none of the West's business.
Jan 10 9 tweets 4 min read
Started reading this after noticing it inspired several @Paracelsus1092 threads. I'm sure he's posted on much of the 3rd world examples in it, but a different study especially stood out to me... the Rednecks of Rednecks, the remote Appalachian valley of "Duddie's Branch". 🧵
@Paracelsus1092 They lived without toilets or indoor plumbing, street-shitting, usually washed into the local stream, which was their sole water supply. Town was mostly unemployed and the main food-source was welfare, with the inhabitants constantly hungry. All children were thin & malnourished. Image
Nov 24, 2023 17 tweets 12 min read
How Australia is by far* the most likely to be the first major Western/European state to become neither of these things by 21st Century's end. Personally I think Europe/USA won't change that much, but Australia will be unrecognisable.

thread 1: background to 00s/🧵 1/ WN types usually point to USA as the key example of demographic transformation, or occasionally W.Europe for problems with a growing and unassimilable hostile MENA population. Sometimes South Africa gets cited as an example, but that's a mere cautionary tale.
