hasbee hiatus, but on bsky ♿🧠🦻 | #AmendAktaOKU Profile picture
#OKUMalaysia working on SDoH, CRPD compliance, disability & mental-ill health for a barrier-free society with @KamiSIUMAN. Via Negativa.
Nov 8, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
*deep breath*🤲


Some of you know that I (among others) am behind @KamiSIUMAN. If you didn't, now you do.

I am asking my friends, peers & those interested in advancing disability rights to help us get to the 45th UPR Info Pre-sessions in Geneva, 28 Nov to 1 Dec 2023.

#SIUMANInGeneva2023 Fundraiser  SIUMAN Collective has been selected to present on The State of Disability Rights in Malaysia for UPR Info Pre-sessions 45!  It’ll be at Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.  We need your support! See next page for more info.
Dear Hasbeemasputra Abu Bakar,   We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in UPR Info Pre-sessions 45 which will take place from Tuesday, 28 November to Friday, 1 December 2023. During the Pre-session on Malaysia, you will be invited to speak on behalf of SIUMAN Collective. A detailed schedule of the Pre-sessions will be provided shortly. Please note that all costs related to attendance are at the expense of the participant and/or their organization.     In addition to the Pre-session panel, you are invited to participate in UPR training sessions: three online...
We are hoping to raise RM24, 200 (estimated) to cover flights, accommodations and daily expenses (for 2 persons) for the entire trip.

I have worked really hard (with your help & support) to get to this point.

I am hoping that I also get support for this.

2/ FAQ  What is SIUMAN Collective?  We are a Malaysian disabled-led and run civil society organisation (CSO) that is all about rights-based disability advocacy. Our work revolves around legal reforms and policy changes for PWD rights in Malaysia.  Hasbee and another disabled colleague hope to be able to make the trip to represent SIUMAN.  SIUMAN: twitter.com/KamiSIUMAN  Why are we going to Geneva?  With the support of PWD and allies, we’ve been selected to present on disability rights in Malaysia at UPR* Info Pre-sessions 45, the first disability representation of its kind!  We hope to raise M...
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Nasi goreng, RM6.

Tambah telur, RM1.

Nescafé o ais bungkus, RM2.

Murah rezeki & panjang umur brade ni. A plate of fried rice with ... Lokasi. They just reopened.

Jun 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
As open and upfront as I am here about the shit I do, there is still a lot of stuff I don't talk about.

Advocates and activists have been subsidising the public healthcare system for years, and that's never been acknowledged.

We bring people to emergency rooms, share... ..information and resources on how to get diagnosed and how to get access to healthcare in general, calm their fears and answer their questions etc etc etc.

Do these high horse motherfucking doctors acknowledge that?

Aku pernah bawak client pegi ED, and teman sampai admitted.
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Since the noise from doctors about "non-compliant" patients has died down, let me share some insight on why some clients "default" on meds, at least the clients on the mental healthcare side of things.

Not enough psychoeducation. Doctors who dismiss clients' concerns about... ...side effects. Stigma from family, friends and society at large enabled by pill shaming and other ableist talk, including religiously enabled ableism. Mismatched expectations about remission and recovery.

You don't see this because you only see us for 15 mins every 3 months.
Jun 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
A public health expert said this?

"Dalam masa sama, kata Malina, kesihatan adalah satu perkhidmatan yang tidak wajar diberikan percuma secara selama-lamanya."

astroawani.com/berita-malaysi… And this?

"Dalam konteks perkembangan semasa, tegas beliau, tiada logiknya bagaimana tahap perkhidmatan kesihatan awam di negara ini diharapkan berubah, tetapi kos pembiayaannya masih di tahap sama."
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
PN's refusal to debate the Auditor-General's report brings up a few issues, it's not just about PN being hypocrites about good governance (or hypocrites in general).

When Muhyiddin was lighting up blue & leading standing ovations, people were dying because of lack of resources. If PH is serious about reform, make debating these 2 reports a practise:
- The Auditor-General's report
- SUHAKAM's annual report

Institutionalise it.

Longer Parliamentary sessions too. We barely hit 80 days out of the year. Gaji nak, pension nak, kerja taknak.
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I remember when Intrakota was first rolled out, and comfort and efficiency was touted as the main selling points to a unsuspecting public.

3 decades and multiple bailouts later..

HEHEHEHEHEHEHE Not the same trajectory, but similar. Dr M and Thatcher were both private sector cheerleaders in public servant's clothes.

Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
These two brothers ❤️ Marru and Purru hanging out... Hamsem Nacho boi. Nacho lying down on the flo...
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I wanna talk about "inspirational" OKU and how inspiration is actually harmful to OKU-inclusion.

If all nondisableds feel is inspiration, and not radicalisation, that's exactly part of the negative social norms that disables OKU. Bertahun dah kita ada inspirational OKU, but we still have inaccessible public spaces and negative social norms.

How about nondisableds get radicalised, and help us demand universal access.

We're not props for you to feel good about not being disabled.
Jan 19, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Salam @NancyShukri @anthonyloke

The issue is NOT fares. The fundamental issue is accessibility.

Free fares don't ensure accessibility. Legal reform of Akta OKU, and protecting & promoting rights in policies does.

Akta OKU mentions universal access, but doesn't mandate it.

1/ Akses kepada kemudahan pengangkutan awam 27. (1) Orang kuran It is inaccessible public spaces and negative social norms that disable us, not our impairments.

Failure to provide reasonable accommodations re universal access disables us.

@NancyShukri @anthonyloke

Jan 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Hi! I am pleased to announce that I can now run this workshop outside KL/Selangor.

5-6 hours, 15 pax minimum, no charge. Just organise a venue, participants, and print the material.

The catch? I need to audit the workshop for accessibility, so I can make it hybrid.

1/ I can travel to locations outside KL/Selangor, and yes, that definitely includes Sabah & Sarawak. If you're an organiser there, you're definitely one of the target groups that I wanna work with.

Organise a venue & participants, I'll cover my own travel.

Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Barking up the wrong tree dude.

I'm the eldest in a single parent family. My father abandoned us when I was 19.

Kau sembang "zaman ini" macam dah banyak experience hidup berzaman-zaman.

Maybe re-examine your own misogynistic expectations?

Muting you. OP is only looking at negative outcomes of inequity & inequality in marriage, and not actually questioning said inequity & inequality.

That's reductive and intellectually dishonest.
Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hello friends!

I've got a ready workshop waiting for interested organisers.

5-6 hours, 15 pax minimum, no charge. Just organise a venue, participants, and print the material.

The catch? I need to audit the workshop for accessibility, so I can make it accessible for all.

1/2 I don't need anything fancy, except a good wifi connection for my remote observer(s) to join it.

Otherwise, I can work with a room with 3 empty walls and good airflow, and maybe a nice big whiteboard?

Interested? Email crpd.workshop@adpan.org

Jan 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Salam bro.

Kalau bukan ahli, maybe not comment?

Malaysia recognises 7 categories (Mental, Fizikal, Pendengaran, Penglihatan, Pembelajaran, Pertuturan, Pelbagai)

Aku OKU Mental, and takde lagi assessment test untuk "common sense" to qualify. Kau punya pemahaman pasal OKU pun agak outdated @khairulayams

Educate yourself, please.

Aku ada thread mudah ni 👇

Jan 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
During the discussion with my psychiatrist earlier, we talked about the overlap between Bipolar Disorder and ADHD, and how some of my symptoms can be explained by either.

My Bipolar Disorder may even be the outcome of untreated ADHD. He brought up that at my age, having being diagnosed late in life and untreated for so long, whatever disorders I have, have already shaped my behaviour patterns.

I understood that.

I told him, either way (ADHD or not), I still want to minimise the harm I cause to others.
Jan 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The street corner where all the cool kids hang out. Nacho and the other strays ... Nacho taking point. Nacho eating his dinner of ...
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
Salam @AzalinaOthmanS

Good to know that you are commited, but we've heard that line from many before you.

Roll out a moratorium on legal repercussions for suicide attempts as a show of good faith.

Cc @NancyShukri @Zaliha_DrZ The previous administration was ready to decriminalise, but couldn't even roll out a moratorium.

7th Oct 2021.

@AzalinaOthmanS @Zaliha_DrZ @NancyShukri

Jan 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I noticed several acquaintances have become anti-vaxx since Covid (or probably more visible, idk) and it worries me that legit concerns about big pharma are manifesting as anti-vaxx messaging. What's interesting is that this 'fear' of Big Pharma doesn't manifest in calls for public ownership of life-saving medication or to expand the availability of public goods, so that we don't rely on Big Pharma.
Jan 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Made it. My queue number at HPUPM's ... It's quite a long wait at my clinic today, and this has been the situation for over the last year.

When they first moved services from the cabin in Kajang GH to the new clinic, I could come at 10:00am and see my doc at 10:05am.

They have way more clients now.
Jan 16, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
I really really hope that JKM processes my hearing aid request quick, because I can't wait to actually hear better.

The frustration and fatigue of missing so much in daily conversation is kinda wearing me down. It's not just the extra mental effort required to processes auditory information that's tiring, it's the posture that I find myself in when having conversations.

I'm always straining forward so that I can hear better, and that puts a lot of stress on neck and shoulder muscles.
Dec 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The extent of OKU-hostility (explicit & implied) cannot be understated.

Universities deny entry to OKU & the chronically ill. Micro financing being denied to OKU. Basic services like banking outright denied to OKU. Banyak lagi. It isn't an explicit discriminatory policy all the time, but it usually is.

Most of the time, it's a combination of discriminatory policies, inaccessible processes & environs.

Without explicit protections, nothing will change. We can't santuni our way to a barrier-free society.