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I post on #Hinduism #Culture #History #Science #worldAffairs #yoga based on my studies.| #contentwriter #Storyteller || A Bihari || Support me- Hathyogi31@upi
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Jul 19 6 tweets 2 min read
So finally the ties between BJP and RSS is going to be over soon as Mohan Bhagawat is openly targeting Modi.


This is all twisted, misinterpreted version by opposition & media to confuse the public.

Read the whole post to know how BJP and RSS are working together 👇
Today, Mohan Bhagawat ji, while talking about character of leadership, said that some leaders want to become superman and Bhagawan. After that several leaders from opposition started claiming that Bhagawat ji has targeted Modi ji. What they don't tell you is that Mohan Bhagawat ji mentioned this in a philosophical way NOT in a sarcastic way. He was talking about personal growth of every human being and this was a 40 minutes of speech.

Now I will explain, How BJP and RSS is working on the same page.
Jul 18 7 tweets 3 min read
"Sabka saath sabka vikas aur sabka vishwas"

Is no longer the vision of BJP

yes, You read is right..

Read the entire story👇 Image Have you noticed the fact that after the last election result, Modi Ji has stopped using the phrase "sabka vishwas" ?

But, Now several leaders of BJP have completely detached themselves from "sabka sath sabka vishwas and sabka vishwas" and let me make it very clear that these leaders are not any tom dick and jerry but they are the face of BJP in states. Some of them are-
Jul 17 7 tweets 2 min read
Yogi Adityanath will be removed from the post of CM soon

LOL, A big setback to those who thought so, which includes opposition leaders, some media houses, some govt. officers and few BJP's state leasers.

Read the entire to know this entire story 👇 Image Since the last general election campaigns, A opposition leader spread a FALSE narrative that Yogi Ji will be forced to step down from his current post. After, the poor performance of BJP in general election, few leaders along with some media houses and govt. officers tried their best to execute a CONSPIRACY against Yogi Ji.
May 22 9 tweets 5 min read
|| Physical Things That Is Considered As Pure In Hindu Dharma ||

1. Bhashm - "Bhasm" is a Sanskrit word that means a type of ash produced by burning some initial material.

"Bha" indicates combustion, while "sma" indicates remembrance, meaning getting rid of negative or painful thoughts and focusing on positive thoughts and divinity.

According to the Linga Purana, Bhasm is produced from the body of Bhagawan Shiva, so it destroys evil and negativity. If a person takes a Bhasm bath and meditates on Bhagawan Shiva, it can destroy thousands of sins.
According to several purana, every object that enters in fire comes out purified. However, only bhasmas come out after entering the fire, so bhasmas are the purest entity.Image 2. Agni (Fire)- Fire itself is considered as a purifier and the reason very obvious, Agni is the only element among the five elements (Prithvi, Akash, Jal, Vayu and Agni) which cannot get altered or get polluted by anything. It only purify things. Image
Mar 19 9 tweets 4 min read
|| Pieces of evidence that proves Hindu Dharm Is Purely Scientific ||

According to the Rig Veda (1.84.15)- Sages observed that the light coming from the Moon is nothing but the
same light of the Sun {this is scientifically proven that the Moon reflects the light of the Sun (star)}.Image Rig Ved (1.105.1) tells us that the Sun and the Moon both revolve in their own respective orbit. Now, it’s really amazing that even thousands of years back several sages knew about the rotation of the Sun, Moon, Earth etc. Image
Feb 16 11 tweets 4 min read
|| 10 Rare And Interesting Pictures Of Taj Mahal, You Shouldn't Miss ||

1. OM design within the carved marble flower, it is speculated to be a design of dhatura flower.Image 2. Presence of a red lotus at the apex of the entrance of the Taj Mahal Image
Jan 30 16 tweets 7 min read
|| Planning to visit Ayodhya? Please don't forget to explore these things apart from the Ram Mandir ||

1. Hanuman Garhi - It is a must to visit Hanuman Garhi temple before visiting Shree Ram Mandir.
2. Kanak Bhavan- A beautiful grand palace which was gifted to Maa Sita by Mata Kaikeyi as Muhdikhai. This has been set up as a temple and it is actually very beautiful. Image
Dec 14, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
|| Traces Of ELECTRICITY in Hindu scriptures ||

Electricity, one of the most important resources of todays world. We cannot imagine our life without it. Many believe that Benjamin franklin discovered Electricity, but I believe that our rishis had a vision on this.Image
If you want a name, I’ll say Maharishi Agstya was the one who worked on the application of electrical power that too in TRETYA YUGA. His book Agastya samhita carries the all the steps of making a working battery. For details check this out-
Sep 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
|| Interesting facts About Ganapati Bappa ||

◆ The name Ganesha translates to "god of the People" because "Gana" refers to the common people.

◆ The origin of his broken tusk is traced back to an incident when Parashurama visited Mount Kailash to pay his respects to Shiva. Ganesha halted him, explaining that his father was resting. Parashurama became enraged and wielded the axe, a divine gift from Shiva, to strike young Ganesha. In a gesture of reverence for the potent weapon bestowed upon him by his father, Ganesha absorbed the blow with one of his teeth. Consequently, he came to be known as "Vedanta." This narrative is recounted in the Brahmanda Purana.

◆ Indeed, the Skanda Purana offers an alternative account regarding Ganesha's broken tusk, suggesting that Ganesha willingly broke his own tusk as an act of devotion to Yogananda.

◆ Additionally, certain later versions of the Mahabharata propose yet another interpretation, stating that Ganesha broke his own tusk to use it as a writing instrument for transcribing the Mahabharata.

◆ Ganesha is wedded to the twin sisters Riddhi (the Goddess of prosperity) and Siddhi (the Goddess of intellect), and from this union, they brought forth two sons: Shubha, symbolizing auspiciousness, and Labha, representing profit and gain.

◆ During Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi is venerated alongside Ganesha and Saraswati, but not typically with her consort, Bhagawan Vishnu. This tradition is rooted in the significance of Diwali as the festival of wealth and prosperity. The presence of Bhagawan Ganesha and Maa Saraswati alongside Maa Lakshmi symbolizes the idea that acquiring material wealth alone is insufficient for true prosperity. Instead, one must also possess knowledge and wisdom.

◆ Indeed, another reason for worshiping Ganesha alongside Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali is the common Hindu practice of offering prayers to Ganesha before initiating any puja or religious ceremony. Ganesha is often considered the remover of obstacles and is invoked at the beginning of rituals to ensure the smooth and successful completion of any undertaking. Hence, it is customary to start Diwali celebrations with the worship of Ganesha.
Image The Ganesha statue found in the Kung-sin province of China, with an inscription dating back to 531 AD, is claimed to be the oldest vigraha of Bhagawan Ganesha but, Padma Shri award winner Dr. Prakash Kothari claims that he has 2000 old idol of Ganesh. (pic attached below)- Image
Jul 8, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
|| Open This To have A Divine Darshan Of All 12 Jyotirlinga ||

Jyotirlinga are the 12 special shrines dedicated to Shiva since ancient times. Jyoti means 'radiance' and lingam means Sign' of Shiva; Jyotirlinga thus means the Radiant Sign of Shiva. 12 divine Jyotirlinga are- 1. Shree Somnath Jyotirlinga
Location- Gir Somnath, Gujarat

Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
|| Ancient games of India ||

1. Gyan Chaupar- The Western game 'Snakes and Ladders' is actually a copy of an Indian game for adults called Gyan Chaupar, the “Game of Knowledge.” Gyan Chaupar teaches the spiritual path to moksha. Image 2. Chaturanga- originated in India around the 6th century. It is considered to be the earliest known form of chess. The word "Chaturanga" is derived from Sanskrit & translates to "4 divisions of the military," representing the 4 types of military units present in the game. Image
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
|| 3 Most Significant Shivlinga Sites In Abroad ||

1. Lia Fáil, Tara Hill in Ireland- On Tara Hill in Ireland, there is a mysterious stone known as Lia Fáil or the Stone of Destiny, as referred to by the local people. According to the historical accounts of the Franciscan… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image 2Angkor Wat- These shivlingas are part of Angkor Wat temple, Cambodia.
Angkor Wat is a famous temple complex located in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Angkor Wat was built… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… ImageImage
May 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
|| Why Gyanvapi Is So Important For Hindus ||

Gyanvapi, actually written as Jnanavapi, to Hindus, is like what Jerusalem is for Jews, and, the following shloka from Skanda Purana, Kashi khanda confirms it:
#Gyanvapi Image सन्ति तीर्थान्यनेकानि सद्यः शुचिकराण्यपि ।
परंतु ज्ञानवाप्या हि कलां नार्हंति षोडशीम् ।।

Meaning: There are many Tīrthas that sanctify (devotees) immediately. But they are not equal to even a sixteenth part of Gyanavapi.
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 7 min read
|| What is Atman? What is our true self? 12 core concepts of Hinduism ||

Hinduism is known as a way of life because it comprises 12 fundamental concepts, each of which offers answers to some of life's fundamental questions. Following are the 12 fundamental concepts-

1. Atman:… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image Kindly make a small contribution to support my work, Thank You 🙏- Image
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
|| भस्म- सर्वशुद्ध सत्त्व। ||

"भस्म" एक संस्कृत शब्द है जिसका अर्थ होता है एक ऐसी राख जो किसी शुरुआती सामग्री को जलाकर उत्पन्न की जाती है और फिर उसे एक विस्तृत शुद्धिकरण प्रक्रिया से गुजारा किया जाता है। उसके बाद, प्रतिक्रिया चरण के दौरान कुछ अन्य खनिज और जड़ी बूटियों को… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image Bhasma : The Purest Entity Image
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Why usually every hindu god has a blue complexion? Image Image
Apr 14, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar V/s Gandhi Ji-
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar said in an interview with BBC that Gandhi is only a part of history & not someone who created an era.
@Shehzad_Ind @Rajput_Ramesh Mr. Gandhi had no logic, he had no principles-
Ref.- DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR: WRITINGS AND SPEECHES, Volume 17, part two, page 76. Image
Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#Thread on the Saptarishis: the secret protectors of the Earth- Image Image
Feb 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Kalpa- a beautiful place, famous for its nature and apple. Ask any locals and they will provide you with a variety of apples. Don't forget to visit kailash shiv ling which changes its color. 2.Barot valley- try to stay there near uhal river as soud of river water during the night are truly amazing. From there book a taxi to chhota bhangal which is 15-17 kms away from it. In between you can have lunch in nalhota, don't forget to have rajma & sweet karela.
Jan 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
|| What can we learn from vali? ||

Vali, the elder brother of sughreeva was not always a bad character. Infact he was a great king of kishkindha and was loved & respected a lot by other vanars including the sughreeva in his earlier days. He also helped god in samundra manthan. But one day a Rakshsa Mayavi challenged vali for a fight. And during the fight Mayavi, entered inside a narrow cave. Vali followed Mayavi & asked Sughreeva to wait outside the cave.
A year passed but vali didn't return, also, a lot of blood came out from the cave.
Jan 4, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
|| Interesting Facts About Ganesha ||
1. Ganesha is not only worshiped by Hindus but by Buddhists too. In Buddhism, Ganesha is referred to as Vinayaka and is worshiped in countries like Tibet, China, Japan, etc. 2. Ganesha's name means “god of the People” as Gana means the common people.
3. The reason behind his one broken tusk is that, once Parashurama went to Mount Kailash to pay his obeisances to Shiva, Ganesha stopped him, saying his father was sleeping.