Hayden Adams 🦄 Profile picture
Inventor of the Uniswap protocol, CEO @Uniswap Labs
Manifold Finance Profile picture sarah sakji Profile picture watano(L3, ❄️) Profile picture John Doe Profile picture 5 subscribed
Aug 30, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read

Huge win, long live DeFi 🦄

One longtime fear of mine has been bad legal interpretation of our complex, technical industry

It’s highly motivating to see US courts hold up arguments I’ve felt deeply for years

Below are some of the most BASED (smart) court comments

"... it defies logic that a drafter of computer code underlying a particular software platform could be liable under Section 29(b) for a third-party’s misuse of that platform. As discussed, smart contracts are self-executing, self-enforcing code..." Image
Mar 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🦄 So incredibly excited to be launching this limited early release of the Uniswap mobile wallet

Get an access code @EthereumDenver or on various social channels

TLDR: self-custody but beautiful, fast, easy to use, and open source

Details here:

1/7 🌸 @Uniswap’s initial success was in making DeFi feel simple, safe, and easy to use

But crypto UX still has a long way to go

With our mobile wallet, we plan to tackle this enormous challenge head on, help push the industry forward, and bring crypto to the world 🦾

Feb 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read

Ric was one of many early supporters, who I met ~8 months into building Uniswap

I’m sad and disappointed by his recent comments that range from very misleading to outright lies 2/

I’ve been hesitant to engage, as he is currently suing me (most of his case was already thrown out)

But I want to share some details to help set the record straight
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read


🚀 Incredibly excited to launch the @Uniswap NFT aggregator

🔥 Starting today you can now buy NFTs from 8 different marketplaces, directly on app.uniswap.org,

🦾 This means we have more listings and better prices than any single marketplace Image 2/

Uniswap is the most used DEX now we aim to be the marketplace for all digital value including tokens and NFTs!

We're excited to bring the technical rigor, user focus, and decentralized values we are know for to the world of NFTs Image
Aug 4, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Sooo excited about this proposal for a Uniswap Foundation 🦄🦄🦄

TLDR: It’s a new entity (fully independent from Labs) that would help grow the Protocol and facilitate community contribution and governance, led by outstanding community members. 2/ The Foundation would be set up as a steward of the Protocol, working to strengthen and improve it over time. And what excites me most about it are the people driving it, @nkennethk and @devinawalsh.
May 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read

There is room for improvement today but I expect Web3 scam prevention to be far better than what came before

Scam prevention has been a total failure in many established industries

59m Americans lost ~$29.8 billion in phone scams last year

cnbc.com/2021/06/29/ame… 2/

This is clearly a massive failure of the telecom industry and its regulators

And most "crypto" scams today are really social media scams taking place in Twitter, Discord, email, telegram, etc

Why are scams so prevalent in web2/telecom? How can we do better?
Apr 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

🚀 Thrilled to launch @Uniswap Labs Ventures, which will be investing in innovative projects and companies building in Web3 2/

🔥 As a crypto-native team, we can't wait to support other projects in the space as they launch and grow

One unique aspect of ULV that I am especially excited about is our plans to participate in the governance systems of projects we invest in
Apr 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read

Web2 data economy companies pretend they need to own all your data to provide their services for free and because they have smart algorithms that show you relevant, interesting content. 2/

But the companies immediately resell both your data and the algorithm results on the open market for a profit, and fill your feed with irrelevant shit tier content (like the twitter sidebar).

It's just arbitrage and you're being swindled.
Jan 1, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read

🚀 2021 has been a transformative year for crypto adoption.

🎆 Total market cap crossed $3T, scaling solutions came online, NFTs drove art and music, DAOs empowered collective action, gaming tokens took off, and more! 2/

🏗️ This growth was made possible in 2021 because critical infrastructure provided by DeFi enabled more people to participate and innovate.

💠 Over the past 12 months, hundreds of new communities and products have formed because they had fair access to liquidity and users.
Jul 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

Just a reminder:

Uniswap Protocol = fully decentralized permissionless smart contracts on Ethereum

Uniswap Interface = open source GPL code base

app.uniswap.org = Uniswap Labs owned domain that points to an IPFS hosted instance of the Uniswap Interface 2/

Now is a good time to learn the difference between an interface and a protocol and how decentralization works

Decentralization doesn’t mean Uniswap Labs lets you do whatever you want on its website.

It means you don’t need a single interface instance to access the protocol.
May 5, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read

🦄 Proud owner of @Uniswap v3 NFT #1

Mini thread on v3 NFT positions which are SVGs generated entirely on-chain and derived from the properties of the underlying position 2/

The color scheme is based on the two underlying tokens, but the color distribution is unique per token id so each is unique but they are themed per pool

The curve shape i based on liquidity concentration as well as the ratio at which the tokens were initially deposited
Apr 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read

Providing liquidity entirely above or below the market price in @Uniswap v3 can be used for both profit-taking and limit orders, while still earning trading fees in the process.

How does this work? 2/

If ETH is at $2500 and you want to take profits as it rises to $3000 simply deposit your ETH to the range of $2500-$3000 on an ETH/DAI (or USDC, etc) pair

At $2500 your position be 100% ETH and convert to DAI as it rises in value until it is fully converted at $3000.
Apr 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read

Defi didn't exist 3 years ago

Now it's an unstoppable rocket ship going mainstream much faster than bitcoin

@Citi gets it

ir.citi.com/6kaLOQ3DM84cUK… 2/

@CNBC gets it

Apr 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

🔥 I don't think the insane efficiency of @Uniswap v3 has sunk in yet. Just how efficient is it?

The equation for calculating the efficiency of a concentrated v3 position relative to providing to the entire v2 curve:

1/(1 - (a/b)^(1/4))

where a and b are your price bounds 2/

Over the past 3 months (Jan8-present) the price of ETH/BTC has ranged from 0.0295 to 0.0454

Plugging into the formula, we find it is 9.8x more efficient than v2

So what does this actually mean?
Mar 24, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read

Uniswap v3 provides the only possible "solution" to impermanent loss and price impact

It also lets you reduce total price risk while increasing your impermanent loss (relative to v2) with concentrated liquidity

This might need a blogpost but I'll try a long thread first 2/

"Impermanent loss" (IL) refers to the fact that if you sell a token before it rises in value it would have been better to hold it and sell more at the higher price

Similarly, if you buy a token and it drops in value it would also have been better to hold
Mar 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read

A surreal moment, I can't believe it's finally ready.

🧠 Uniswap v3 was born out of @danrobinson's research into ways of improving AMM efficiency which began 18 months ago

Without him, v3 would not exist 2/

It also would not exist without @sendmoodz and @NoahZinsmeister - who have been working on implementing v3 since the launch of v2

Dec 27, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
UP003 - a proposal to establish a UNI grants program is the first @UniswapProtocol governance proposal to meet quorum and pass!

And it wasn't even close, exceeding the approval threshold by more than 20M votes:

✅ YES - 60,088,813 (99.99%)
❌ NO - 9,300 (0.01%) Thrilled that this is the first proposal to pass.

A resounding message from the Uniswap community in favor of funding developers and contributors.

Which reminds me - everyone complaining about slow governance is either concern trolling or missing the point.
Dec 2, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read

Mind-blowing results from @_charlienoyes @danrobinson @dave_white_ and @MartinTassy

TLDR: super bullish for AMMs/Uniswap

Will share some of the interesting results and some thoughts below 2/

Result 1:
"If the volatility of an asset is high enough relative to its average rate of return, LPs on Uniswap will do better than HODLers over time, even when the only incoming trades are arbs."

TLDR: LPing can be good without "retail" volume and arb is not bad for LPs
Nov 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

I disagree with a few things here.

First, the number of unique price sources is quite meaningless on its own.

For example, if 95% of a tokens volume and liquidity is one one exchange, averaging in 4 others could lower the quality of the price feed. 2/

Second, you can’t directly compare manipulation resistance of entirely on-chain oracles that pulls from dex with something like chainlink that reports off-chain data

The attack surfaces and trust assumptions are very different
Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

Can't tell who is pretending and who legitimately doesn't understand that the $1B TVL deposited in an incredibly high risk investment on a single days notice is mostly massive whales

Anyone talking about community vs VC here is either delusional or intentionally misleading. 2/

This is not YFI. Andre built something new and real, that has value.

Sushi is one days effort by any competent dev at most.

It's just whales playing whale games trying to cash in on a hype cycle and the value created by Uniswap.

May 17, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read

@Iiterature Sure!

@UniswapExchange has different functions for ETH-ERC20 and ERC20-ERC20 trades.

This gives the UX improvement of using ETH directly and not having to wrap it first. 2/

Some projects use WETH to pull ETH from your address via approve/transferFrom - something not yet supported with ETH.

(recent vitalik thread on the topic: ethereum-magicians.org/t/brainstormin…)

But most do it b/c they don't want to write separate functions to handle ETH.