ace 👹✨ Profile picture
Selfcest guy. Lesbians guy. Aro Izzy truther. 🔞🏴‍☠️👹25+ they/them 🦀⚔️🐢 moots feel free to follow my priv @aceeedoggg
Jul 2, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨 very important 🚨

fuckboy sailor f!ed stringing along mermaid izzy like every few months when ed’s passing by she’ll kinda do a ye olde “u up?” and izzy is so enchanted by her that of course she lets ed get all up in her fins and whatnot
Jun 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
ok ed and izzy both in bands and they have Opinions about each other’s music but when they meet in person they don’t realize who each other are. silliness ensues like. (god i wish i were on a full size keyboard rn!!!! i have so many thoughts)

i think they’ve both listened to each other’s music but haven’t seen pics or met in person. they meet at some kind of festival thing where they know people mutually
Jun 26, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
alpha stede /omega izzy casually fucking for months but stede never knots him cuz he’s Ed’s, technically… i’m thinking like, post-reunion canon era where ed kinda doesn’t want to have anything to do with either of them.

he doesn’t particularly care that they’re fucking, even, bc he’s still depressed with no sex drive. and there’s an implicit agreement about no knotting/mating.
Jun 20, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
edizzy fuckbuddies (cursed) (pining while fucking) they fuck like a couple times per week and it’s casual it’s whatever. neither of them put much thought into why they both change the subject immediately if anyone ever brings it up
Jun 16, 2023 30 tweets 4 min read
sorry but i really need possessive, controlling izzy. i need her dressing ed every morning and feeding ed her meds and deciding what she eats and making sure ed’s always wearing her [whatever clothing item/accessory symbolizes izzy’s ownership] could be a ring, but i feel like that’s too obvious. can’t be a collar or anything that blatant because *Ed’s* the captain and upholding her reputation is of the utmost importance. if anyone knew she was izzy’s, body and soul, the legendary Blackbeard would lose all of her bite.
Jun 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
edizzy go out together and they’re both allowed to flirt/hook up with other people but they have some pretty strict rules.

one of which is that they must always be visible to each other (they’re fine, btw. this is normal) like ed can grind up on whoever he wants on the dance floor, and izzy can get the number of the cute guy at the record store, but they have to do it within view of each other.
Jun 12, 2023 18 tweets 2 min read
girl stizzy practicing kissing on each other cuz they both wanna be prepared for when they finally get to kiss ed they’re fighting about it, obviously. stede’s moving her tongue soooo slowly and izzy’s like what th FUCK stede you think THATS how ed wants to be kissed??
Jun 9, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
ed fucking android/AIzzy in the middle of repairing him… iz’s legs got damaged so they scrapped them and ed’s working on installing something that will work just for now, till they can get the parts they need for proper replacement legs
Jun 9, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
izzy keeps ending up in bed with cj and EVERY TIME he’s like Holy Fuck How Is He This Good like as soon as the afterglow fades, izzy reverts back to thinking of him as just a goofy sleazeball. but then they hook up again and he realizes he hasn’t come that hard since the last time they slept together.
Jun 1, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
ok i know i was kinda just talking about this w/ my tdick tuesday thread but like. highly erotic to me to think about how much ed gets off of being cucked HAH SORRY
May 31, 2023 29 tweets 4 min read
was NO ONE going to remind me it’s tdick tuesday??????? 😤 i am busy making a dairy-free lime-flavoured dessert rn but once i’m done 😡😤 we’re torturing edward. so.
May 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
ok lmao modern au ed who keeps calling the air conditioning repair company bc his unit “stops working” (AC repairman Jack lays INSANE pipe (while on the clock)) jack gets there in his fucking jeans +greasy tee shirt +tool belt outfit, hair pulled back into a ponytail, and ed’s stretched out on the couch wearing his shirt tied into a crop top and the TINIEST shorts imaginable
May 23, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
WOW went to the park to draw and i got here right at sunset like i wanted and it’s so beautiful and i FORGOT MY FUCKING STYLUS 😭 flames. fire.
May 21, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
evil milf headmistress stede torturing izzy with orgasm denial and ed with overstim ♥️ i would usually include cj but unfortunately she didn’t get into this very exclusive all-girls university
May 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
dom izzy knows he’s gonna make ed submit SO easily if they ever fuck <3 like edizzy who have known each other a long time and kinda have a Thing but they’ve never actually gone for it (mutual)
May 19, 2023 32 tweets 5 min read
milf!stede as a uni guidance counselor who has a Very Inappropriate relationship with f!ed (izzy is ed’s concerned friend who is out of college already and is therefore more mature than ed, but who also is so, so head over heels for ed that she can’t tell up from down)
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
obviously Izzy’s the best driver of the three, so no point in doing a poll about that. however, between ed and stede, who is the WORSE driver? personally i think ed is the “worse” driver but stede actually puts everyone in more danger bc he has no guts ♥️
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
ok i’m feeling like i should do a #SteddyHandsWeek thread so here i go!

(i have not created anything new for the event, i’m just taking this opportunity to shove some of my old tweets in your faces ♥️) day 1 ✨ Ed-centric
May 14, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
ok stay with me here. stede’s on his knees, sucking izzy’s dick. izzy’s got his hands tied behind his back.

still with me? izzy’s been close for what feels like an eternity. he’s so, so close. but he can’t come until ed says. and ed doesn’t think stede’s earned it yet.
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
to me, this is Ed when izzy comes back from the store without the special treat ed requested 🥺😢 Image it does not matter that izzy planned out every dinner for the next 2wks (keeping in mind dietary restrictions and preferences for ed, stede, himself), did the shopping trip by himself, and is going to do 90% of the cooking.

he forgot ed’s reese’s pieces 🥺🥺🥺
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
apparently im bad at thinking of captions, but i would say i’m good at capturing that feeling when, uh.. when your bestie.. um 😳🩷✨

#OFMDfanart #edizzy Image detail 👀✨ ImageImage