Heather Barr Profile picture
Jun 24 7 tweets 3 min read
Here's a thread about the upcoming @UN Doha 3 meeting on Afghanistan & why the UN decision to leave human rights off the agenda and exclude Afghan women from attending the meeting is such a betrayal & such a harmful precedent for women's rights everywhere. theguardian.com/global-develop… There’s history here. The UN excluded Afghan women from Doha 1. When they were called out--this violated Security Council res 1325 that calls for women’s full participation in all key discussions--@UN tacked on a quick virtual consultation w/Afghan women. passblue.com/2023/04/25/dis…
Jun 15, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Today marks the release of an important new report on Afghanistan by @SR_Afghanistan and the @UN working group on discrimination against women and girls. You can--and should--read the full report here: ohchr.org/en/documents/c… @SR_Afghanistan @UN This is an important acknowledgement of how shutting women out of key discussions about Afghanistan's future, in violation of commitments made under UN Security Council resolution 1325, helped create this hell for women and girls: Image
Apr 26, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
This is a thread about why Afghan women should be invited to a meeting the @UN @antonioguterres will host next week about Afghanistan.

The Taliban, after seizing power in Aug 2021, stripped women/girls of most rights. Women fought back. #GenderApartheid
Next week the UN will convene an important meeting to discuss what the international community should do about the crisis in Afghanistan and what the future holds for the country, and for the Taliban. No Afghan women are invited. reuters.com/world/asia-pac…
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Which experts should we be listening to in the increasingly heated debate about whether the Taliban should be recognized? #GenderApartheid (spoiler: how about we listen to the Afghan women who are risking their lives to protest for their rights) Should we listen to men writing for think tanks on the other side of the world?
Oct 21, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
Here’s a quick thread on the term #GenderApartheid, as it pertains to Afghanistan. Afghan feminists like @Hmosadiq have been using this term since at least the fall of 2021, to describe the Taliban’s comprehensive and systematic roll back of women rights. afghandiaspora.net/gender-aparthe… In August 2022, @karimabennoune, a law professor and former special rapporteur, published an important article about #GenderApartheid in Afghanistan. She will publish a longer and more detailed version of this article in November 2022. justsecurity.org/82651/the-best…