How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App feel like since "Eichmann in Jerusalem," @NewYorker has this obsession with "understanding the nazi.", and don't forget that Ukraine should also be grateful and patient. After all, the Western countries are not Amazon, and they did deliver some weapons, albeit being really unhappy that in 72 hours they didn't have an opportunity to go to "back as usual"Спершу літній антрополог подумав, що я з Ірландії (моя дисертація про Ірландію). am, again, extremely disappointed by this temper tantrum of @mashagessen. single Russian, even the one who is the most sympathetic to Ukrainian cause, is revealed at the point when the noble, just, and right thing to do would be NOT to make everything about themselves.✔️ Showing the faces of the injured children in the hospitals wo blurring;, have you noticed how many people offended by Zelenskiy's sweater were much less disturbed by this outfit worn in Capitol and the reason why this men was there at all (If I were them I would have found it disturbing even if this dude was wearing a suit)? yet, when I whined about that on my fb page and called that dude a fool his fiancee had written to me threatening to kick my ass if I ever "insult his intelligence again".Ми сприймаємо європейський колоніалізм, як щось з часів далеких, як хрещення русі, але він досі відбувається, а відбувався він в максимально піздєцких формах буквально 50 років тому, ще цілком живі люди, які це все бачили.