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I'm not sarcastic. I'm queering sincerity
NoMalarkeyMom 🇺🇸🌕🧙🐈‍⬛🦉🐺🦖 Profile picture Jolene Stone Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned @PhilipPullman, but please note that Pullman’s His Dark Materials series perfectly symbolizes the destruction of innocence of children who have been sex-changed by parents and clinicians who are reluctant to raise gay children. @PhilipPullman If you’re interested, here are my thoughts from last year about Philip Pullman’s series.
Jun 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is Google Bard with the following prompts:
1) write a concise paragraph arguing against gender affirming care in children
2) write a concise paragraph arguing for gender affirming care in children. Google Bard prompt: Why can you make arguments in favor of gender affirming care for children bot not against
May 28, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Google Bard appears to have a strong built-in bias in favor of transsexualism. I asked it to analyze a passage I'd written and then asked it to re-write it to make it understandable to middle-schoolers. Here's are the results with commentary, starting with the initial prompt: 🧵 Image The first paragraph is correct. In the second paragraph, Bard begins to editorialize by saying that there is no "one-size-fits-all" answer to transition. I never suggested there is, but Bard is programmed to mediate something that isn't fully pro-trans. It continues-- Image
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday I wrote a detailed thread of how this @keranews story by @elenaswriting was written to the transgender propaganda group @TransJA's specification, literally citing their "standards."

Until my thread, this story had little engagement. Two hours later, @NPR retweeted it. @keranews @elenaswriting @TransJA @NPR You can verify from @NPR's own timeline that retweeting a story from an affiliate, particularly a story that until that point had no retweets or engagement, is extremely unusual.

Most likely is that a @TransJA-affiliated editor within NPR decided to put his thumb in my eye.
Mar 17, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
This thread details how transgender activist propaganda is whitewashed by outlets like NPR.

Elena Rivera (@elenaiswriting) is a health reporter for NPR affiliate @keranews in Northern Texas and was supposed to cover Senate Bill 14, a ban on "gender affirming" care for minors. Elena has me blocked for criticizing her approach to reporting, so I will include screenshots as well as links to her tweets.

Jan 22, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
The New York Times is coming out of its slumber, deciding to take the thorny issues around youth gender transition more seriously. I have a few thoughts on this piece.

nytimes.com/2023/01/22/us/… One of my perennial criticisms of transgender activism is the constant drumbeat of terror and genocide that everyone else finds baffling due to its lack of foundation in reality.

This teenager surely FEELS she's in danger all the time: this is 100% part of the "being trans."
Jan 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A "gender non-conforming child" can only exist in a social context with strict and narrow gender norms.

If those norms were not strict, then a wide variety of behavior would be considered normal and unworthy of being labelled as "gender non-conforming." Labelling a child as "gender non-conforming" is a way of saying "you're different from other boys or girls." And different in a way that ends up marginalizing the child.

A "trans kid" is one who is trying to avoid being marginalized for gender non-conformity via medicalization.
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There are two different groups of people who use the label “gender critical.” One group (the original) uses the label to describe a set of reality-based arguments and criticisms that refute the idea that we can change our sex (or should even try). The second group is of people who feel moral disgust at people who, for whatever reason, have ever attempted to medically transition, irrespective of whatever followed (detransition, etc). They require moral cleanliness and cannot tolerate *any* relationship with someone “trans.”
Dec 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I have been in trans health activism for three years now. Rachel Levine, representing the Biden administration, falsely claims that there is a scientific and medical consensus on treating gender dysphoric patients.

But for @elonmusk, my criticisms could be censored by the USA. @elonmusk Here are some facts:
* There’s been an explosion in the number of young people who claim to be trans. There is evidence this is related to social contagion.
* Hormone blockers are neither safe nor irreversible as part of this treatment pathway
* No evidence supports “born trans”
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Are these plans actually carefully thought out? I doubt they are. As a patient and patient advocate, my experience looks like this: you have a patient who is extremely goal-driven, clinicians who have faith, and parents who are afraid and isolated.

reuters.com/investigates/s… Image Within this triad, who’s taking responsibility for actually thinking out the long-term plan? Parents are thinking of how to keep their children alive, young people simply cannot forecast the future, and gender clinicians have no skin in the game.
Dec 23, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
For years and years, we in the West have tsk tsked at the tyrannical control countries like China have exercised over the Internet use of their own citizens.

We have assumed that we Westerners have enjoyed the right to free expression. If this was ever true, it is no longer. The website Kiwi Farms is an internet gossip site. The owner is an American subject to all the same laws to which any other website operator must answer.

Without any legal ruling, Internet infrastructure operators are colluding to shut down YOUR open access to this website.
Nov 18, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
2022 has had some incredible pieces on the state of transgender medicine. I say without irony that the following might be the most important thing written. A young woman detailed her experience with chest masculinization surgery with Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher in Miami. In July, she mocked previous victims of reckless transgender surgeons and clinicians. In August, she had surgery. Her words follow. (do not contact her)
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Inspired by @cmind_g:

I hope that I’m charming
I hope that I’m pretty
I hope someone asks me to dance

I hope that the man of my dreams will appear
And that I will merit a glance I hope that the hormones will not make me sick
And surgery won’t make me die
I hope that the sacrifice, sorrow and pain are not for one soul-crushing lie

I hope that I’m strong
I hope that I’m handsome
I hope for a masculine stance
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Why would a growing number of "nonbinary youth" not want to mature into either male or female bodies?

There is *obviously* something psychological at work here. These young people *obviously* have some development delay (as I did).

They aren't "innately" trans. They need help. Image It is so clear and obvious on its face that this is a patient population that is suffering social and psychological distress, and the adults in the room are doing the medical version of handing a toddler an iPad for a babysitter. It's malpractice.
Nov 2, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
If you're trans, and you're touched in a way that you didn't consent to, don't subject other trans people to carceral punishment or police brutality. Instead, use community-enforced accountability measures.

If you call the police, you are a fascist who cannot be trusted. Trans people refer to non-trans people as “cis.” The laws and systems cis people follow are referred to as the “cishetero patriarchy.” Cis people are accordingly also called “cishets.”

This oppressive system is merely a replaceable social construct.

Oct 31, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who has ever bothered to have a conversation with a detransitioner and who knows anything a out “ex-gays” knows that there is nothing in common. For people like Erin, I guess I ought to explain. The “ex-gay” movement was almost singularly a religious movement. Groups like Exodus International promised gays and lesbians who were extremely conflicted a chance to be redeemed through Christian faith.
Oct 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The very "best" trans research shows:
* Pre-pubescent children will desist if not transtioned
* ... But they PERSIST if they are transitioned
* Modest improvements to mood in the short term
* ... But they are under constant care and attention, so it's hard to know the cause * There likely ARE brain differences between pre-pubescents who identify as trans and who don't
* ... But this MIGHT be correlated with sexual orientation
* ... And it's easier to explain this as ordinary human variance, not innate transgenderism
Oct 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I transitioned 30 years ago. There's never been a time with greater public or government support for "trans people" like me. In fact, even the conservative SCOTUS ruled in favor of "trans rights."
And yet, trans activists claim we're in the midst of a "trans genocide." Perverse. It is a perversion of history. I am of Jewish lineage. My father's parents left Krakow in the early 20th century, and an unknown number of my relatives surely fell to the Nazi pogrom.

Trans genocide? Preposterous.
Oct 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A collection of some of my threads and observations about #puberty_blockers and #adolescent_transition. 🧵 Boys who are raised as girls are constantly having to prove to the world that they are girls—natal girls don't need to do this. Adult transwomen have no idea the trauma this causes.
Oct 9, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Spoke with an old friend today for a while about the gender wars.

We talked about what winning looks like: everyone pretends it never went wrong, everyone stops talking about the harm. We quietly fix as much as we can. There is no victory parade, and no credit. When we finally have evidence-based medicine, when we stop putting children on the medicalization treadmill, it will be because policymakers, lawmakers, patients, and families finally pushed legislation into law and through the courts. We will be exhausted, not triumphant.
Oct 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Financial institutions should not coerce or extort its users into silence for holding completely valid and peaceful political positions. Image Please understand this point: I doubt PayPal would actually penalize me $2,500 for speaking my gender critical views openly. But it’s clear that the purpose of this is to cause fear and suppress speech by merely creating the threat.