Pierre-Loic Doulcet Profile picture
Investigate the future and build awesome things at AXA. Striving to make Computational Law general. Tweets express my own opinions
Nov 12, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I just finished teaching a 2 months class on Computational law at Epitech (a french software engineering school). Here is how it went… I start with serie of 3 half day workshop through video conference where I start by going briefly through the history of the field, starting with Layman E Allen attempt to formAlise legalise in 1957 digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewconten…
Jul 9, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
1/ I believe rules as code will be the most important societal and technological change of the 2020's. It will be impacting both the physical and digitals world. But what is it? and why is it important? Or why you should care? 👇 #rulesascode 2/ Today society is governed by the Rules of Law, Regulation and Contract that independent participating actors abide to. You have no choose, you need to obey law.