Bernie Profile picture
Helping companies hire remote engineers @no_doxx • Documenting my journey • ex-Deloitte • @beondeck | ODF17
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Jul 9, 2022 80 tweets 124 min read
Web3's language can be daunting.

So let me help you stop feeling stupid or left behind.

150+ terms to get you up to speed with Web3 👇🧵 These terms are organized Alphabetically as best as possible.

Give me a follow @hey_bernie if you enjoy the work I had here.

In the end, do not forget to Retweet the first Tweet with your friend who needs to learn this.

Let's start learning.
Jul 6, 2022 9 tweets 37 min read
DAOs are the future of Web3.

But 99% don't know where to start learning.

30 accounts to follow to master DAOs - FAST 👇🧵 Chase Chapman - @chaserchapman

Alex Zhang - @alexzhang__

Coopahtroopa - @Cooopahtroopa

Frog Monkee - @frogmonkee

Li Jin - @ljin18

Julz - @JulzRoze
Jul 5, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
WTF is Web3

Have you ever heard of:

· Proof of Work
· Proof of Stake
· Bitcoin Miners
· Validators, and such?

Then this is for you.

A thread on Consensus Mechanisms 101 🧵👇 Don't know what Blockchain is yet?

Then start here 👇

Jul 2, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
WTF is Web3?

Even if you've been hiding under a rock, I am sure you've heard of:

• Blockchain
• Bitcoin
• Web 3
• NFTs
• DAOs, and all that jazz before, right?

So many buzzwords. It's time to break them down.

Blockchain 101: where it all begins 👇🧵 0. What is Blockchain Technology?

The easiest way to explain it is by saying that:

Blockchain is a database that is not managed by a single company.

Instead, it's managed by multiple people, making it a peer-to-peer database and thereby making it decentralized.
Jul 1, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Think Web3 is confusing?

You're right.

Let's make it easier.

Web3 101: where and how it all begins 🧵👇 0. The start

To understand what Web3 is, we must first understand what Web1 and Web2 were. If not, many pieces will be missing.

So, the Internet was initially invented back in the 50s-60s and was basically just a way for Researchers and Scientists to catalog information...⬇️
Jun 15, 2022 14 tweets 21 min read
To learn Web3, you SHOULD join a Community.

Here are 10 Web3 Communities you MUST join TODAY 🧵👇 1. Odyssey - @odyssey_dao

Odyssey is on a mission to onboard 1M people to web3.

They produce high-quality free guides and offer bootcamps on Web3, NFTs, and more to their members.
Jun 11, 2022 50 tweets 286 min read
Louis Vuitton, Adidas, Lamborghini, NBA, Gucci, Taco Bell, and many others launched NFTs.

I went down the rabbit hole to explain you what they are.

20 NFT Collections launched by billion-dollar brands you MUST know: Here you'll find the following brands:

1. Adidas - @adidasoriginals
2. Lamborghini - @Lamborghini
3. Coca Cola - @CocaCola
4. Nike x RTFKT - @Nike @RTFKT
5. Louis Vuitton - @LouisVuitton
6. Samsung - @SamsungTV @niftygateway
7. Pepsi - @pepsi
8. McDonald's - @McDonalds
Jun 6, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
After 4 years at Deloitte, it was time to quit.

3 months ago, I left my comfy job to become a Web3 Founder.

Here are 7 learnings I take for life 👇🧵 1. Ownership Mindset

Having an ownership mindset is about owning the problems and tasks like ours.

Helping the ones above us accomplish their goals is the best way to move through the ranks and accomplish our goals faster, too...⬇️
Jun 4, 2022 24 tweets 29 min read
Notion has 30 million users.

But most of them don't know how to use it effectively.

Here are 20 FREE resources to 10x your @NotionHQ productivity: @NotionHQ I've broken the thread into two parts.

l. Basics - Notion 101 resources for beginners

ll. Advanced - Resources to create efficient Notion systems
May 30, 2022 19 tweets 60 min read
In 5 months, I grew my Twitter account from 0 to 28k+

You can do the same if you follow one simple step:

Follow the right people.

Here are 15 Twitter profiles to 10x your Twitter game: 1. Alex Banks - @thealexbanks

Alex helps us cut through the noise on business, finance, and growth by chasing his own curiosity and sharing what he learns.

His best thread 👇

May 28, 2022 27 tweets 9 min read
YouTube is a free Web3 university.

But 98.8% don't subscribe to the right channels.

So, I've audited 120+ YouTube Channels, and here are 23 of the very best to 10x your Web3 journey: You'll find YouTube channels about:

I. NFT projects, Web3 Development, Play-to-earn games, and Dapps

ll. DeFi (Decentralized Finance), Crypto space, & Crypto trading.

lll. NFT innovation, market analysis & alpha trading.
May 25, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Are you an Entrepreneur?

Then you MUST build an audience on Twitter - TODAY !!

Let me explain: 1. Create Leverage

Naval Ravikant said that the most important form of Leverage is the idea of products that have no marginal cost of replication.

And both code and content are the best ways to do it.

You create once and can replicate infinitely.

May 21, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
If you use it right, Twitter is the most powerful platform in the world.

It can lead to life-changing opportunities, jobs, mentors, and friends.

It did for me.

But 98% don't know how to start.

Here are 10 tips to help you turn Twitter into your most valuable asset: 1. Use Twitter Advanced Search

Start finding:

• The best writers in field X - adjust terms
• The best content topics to write about - adjust for likes/RTs
• Your favorite accounts journey - adjust the date range

May 14, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
3 months ago I left Deloitte to become:

· a Web3 startup founder and
· a full-stack content entrepreneur

Here are 7 learnings for you to do better than me 💸👇🧵 Twitter changed my life.

If it's your first time here, I wrote a thread about "How Twitter changed my life."

I hope you like it. Now let's dive into it 👇

Apr 20, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
My Web3 breakdowns reached millions of people.

8 threads to START LEARNING Web3 TODAY 👇🧵 Blockchain is at the core of Web3.

Not sure of what is it?

Then let's read a Blockchain 101: where it all begins

Apr 18, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Getting 1,000 followers on Twitter is hard.

Here's how to do it - FAST:
(for free) Here's how I'm breaking this thread:

1. Getting started
2. 0 to 100 followers
3. 100 to 500 followers
4. 500 to 1,000 followers

Want to deep dive? Then download my freebie 👇…
Apr 11, 2022 12 tweets 9 min read
Web3 needs more people to create content.

But most have no idea how to take the leap.

Here are 7 steps to land a job as a Web3 Creator 👇🧵
(completely for FREE) 0. Take a deep dive

First of all, if you want to Learn to Build an Audience on Twitter for Web3, then apply to my 3-week cohort course.

There are only 10 spots left and it will be massive 😁👇…
Mar 19, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
This week in Web3:

150,000,000 @apecoin tokens were airdropped to BAYC/MAYC NFT holders.

Here are 9 things you need to know about $APE: @apecoin 1. ApeCoin ($APE)

ApeCoin ($APE) is an ERC-20 governance and utility token.

Launched under the stewardship of the APE Foundation, its goal is to be a token for culture, gaming, and commerce used to empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3...⬇️
Mar 16, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
Web3 is all over the news.

Still, many don't know what it is.

Here's a breakdown of why Web3 matters 👇🧵
(h/t @cdixon) @cdixon 1. Web1: 1990 to 2005

Web1 was about decentralized open protocols that were community-governed.

Back then the Web was about static websites where most of the value accrued to users and builders, passionate about a free and decentralized place to share thoughts and ideas...⬇️ Image
Feb 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Twitter changed my life.

Now it's time for me to change peoples' lives too.

I've created a FREE private Discord Server to:

· help people grow an audience
· give feedback and advice

To join:

· say 👋 in the comments and,
· fill the application form 👇… Want to learn more about my journey on Twitter?

You can read it here 👇

Feb 23, 2022 15 tweets 31 min read
I've asked:

"What are the best newsletters about Web3?"

It seems these 13 are 👇 Not Boring from the @NotBoringClub.

Packy McCormick - @packyM - bring us Web3 and Startup Strategy, in the most fun way possible to learn.

A must to be on top of what's new + his insights.