I started pooling my capital around the market highs in mid 2018. Markets were at highs and I patiently waited for a drawdown.
December 2018 FED raised interest rates - how dare they - market took about a 20% cut.
I timed the entry well.
2. Started off with $SNE and $NTDOY in their respective Japanese counters as I understood gaming and was comfortable dipping my toes in large caps.
Then I moved on to $MSFT $FB $JD - other large caps but widening my circle of competence to software, e-comm and social media
Jun 30, 2020 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
1. $NET (Network architecture for the modern internet)
Problem: Cost and complexity of managing and integrating individual network hardware on premises
Solution: Flexible, scalable & efficient server-less network architecture that provides security, performance & reliability
2. $NET Moat is the size, sophistication and distributed nature of network architecture
99% of the Internet connected developed world is located within 100 milliseconds of their network
Lots of Cisco boxes need to be replaced as the world shifts to work from anywhere