The government is failing to keep the public safe from harmful medicines, medical devices & blood products, will you sign my petition calling for change? ✍️👇
Feb 8 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Why do I spend time every day tweeting to demand reform of @MHRAgovuk?
In 2021 the government was coercing people to take a vaccine I believed was risky. I was concerned of the potential harm to my family & I.
@MHRAgovuk As the reports of injuries & deaths came through I begin to engage with the victims on Twitter & was horrified about what was happening to them, how they were silenced, labelled as misinformation & ignored.
Jan 21 • 37 tweets • 7 min read
I wrote a article just over a year ago for @hartgroup_org about a debate on Primodos & MHRA's failure to prevent harm.
I wanted to highlight 3 things:
-MHRA's failure is systemic across multiple drugs & devices
-Patent groups need to work together
-The media must join the dots
@hartgroup_org Where are we now?
-MPs are starting to understand that MHRA is the root cause of multiple scandals & are linking them, as proved by @EstherMcVey1's debate last week
-Patient groups are now engaging with each other
-We just now need to get the media to join the dots....
Jan 20 • 31 tweets • 6 min read
I regularly see material by politicians, media & fellow Twitter users who misunderstood the situation with MHRA and the AstraZeneca covid vaccine.
-MHRA never suspended it, it was approved until 2024!
-The advice to "offer alternatives to under 40s" was not MHRA, it was JCVI
-MHRA renewed approval in 2022
-MHRA approved it for boosters in 2023
Jan 16 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The @covidinquiryuk should be asking this question.
‘Did Brexit pride & the British vsccine race result in 1000s of injuries & deaths?’
@covidinquiryuk Why were the government obsessed with denying the harms of the @AstraZeneca covid vsccine & ensuring the roll out continued, despite clear evidence of blood clots & suspension in other countries?
Jan 10 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Some very powerful voices are pushing people further right & left leaving a big divide in the middle.
When will people understand they are pawns on the chessboard & don’t need to choose black or white & fight the battle against the other pawns, but tackle the players instead?👇
The right fear the WEF, Agenda 2030 and the drive towards net zero & global cooperation.
Big business will make money from the green transformation (or in reality green washing): Instead of localised community driven change, we see huge solar farms on farmland, energy infrastructure dismantled before viable replacements are implemented, unsustainable demand for copper & rare metals, industrial scale chemical & GM crop driven farming & health managed through medicines such as Ozempic.
They fear people will lose independence as there is a transfer from private to shared ownership of assets such as vehicles.
They have been driven to fear immigrants especially Muslims due to the War on Terror propaganda.
Instead of hating the government that allowed the situation, hate is driven towards the immigrants themselves.
Money is spent supporting the war with Russia whilst weapons manufactured make a killing & putting Britain at risk.
Dec 18, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
MHRA is responsible for ensuring medicines & medical devices in the UK are safe.
Pharmaceutical industry needs are prioritised over patient safety.
This is no surprise given board members conflicts of interest including Sanofi, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Merck & BMS
Many major pharmaceutical companies have representation.
Most worryingly co chair Professor Graham Cooke is also Chair of End Point Review Committee for vaccine trial for Sanofi.
Has done paid work for Pfizer & has current roles at WHO, NIHR & Imperial College.
Dec 13, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Read the example given for the proposed change from written to verbal consent for (low risk) clinical trials.
Once you have read it, replace Statin A & Statin B with AstraZeneca & Pfizer Covid Vaccine.
Low risk?
John is aged 72 and has recently been advised by his GP to start a regime of statins to treat his high cholesterol. Statins are a commonly prescribed treatment in the UK, used by millions of patients, but medical professionals are still unsure which treatment regime is the best.
Dec 13, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Legislation was quietly laid before parliament yesterday for (low risk) Clinical Trials that consent changes from WRITTEN to VERBAL 😱
Further dilution of informed consent, risk of patient misunderstanding & coercion.
-patients may commit to trials without being aware they have, this is foreseeable when patients are stressed in the medical environment or of symptoms have worsened
Feb 29, 2024 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
A bitter pill: Primodos
The forgotten Thalidomide
You are unlikely to be aware of Primodos, it was a hormone based pregnancy test.
A woman who was likely to be days or weeks pregnant would take a huge dose of hormones to test if she was pregnant.
It is probably no surprise to you that it caused harm: serious birth defects & deaths of babies
@Malriel was kind enough to invite me to her @APPGHPTs event this week for the launch of their report as titled above.…
Feb 21, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
🧵There was a very important article by @HMcardleHT from @heraldscotland in October 2022
PUBLIC health experts ruled out any link between spikes in neonatal deaths and the Covid vaccine WITHOUT CHECKING whether any of the infants' mothers had received the jag during pregnancy.
@HMcArdleHT @heraldscotland…
Feb 9, 2024 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Are the British government captured by the pharmaceutical industry?
2 years ago Sir Robert Francis presented the Government with advice on compensation for infected blood, the victims were happy with the proposal.
@Factor8Campaign Yesterday the government announced that Bayer Council Member, Sir Jonathan Montgomery will advise them on compensation. Bayer SUPPLIED INFECTED BLOOD PRODUCTS.
Jan 31, 2024 • 55 tweets • 1 min read
Medicines and medical devices that have harmed people in the UK. Please let me know what has been missed. 1. Thalidomide
2. Valproate
Nov 11, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
The government want us to pick a side on each topic that divides us & form opposing groups constantly in conflict.
We must stop this from happening.
I can never align with a single group as for me it's simple: EVERYONE's Human Rights must be respected & protected.
I know at least 230k people agree with me as you signed this…
Oct 10, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The pharmaceutical industry are constantly fined for miss-selling (misinformation).
Their products are known kill.
Why is it when people challenge their most lucrative products (medicines healthy people receive every few months) these people are labelled with misinformation?
Pfizer's CEO @AlbertBourla was found to have lied (misinformation) about these products by @ABPI_UK in 2022 (he was miss-selling them to children), exactly 1 year after labelling people who spread misinformation ‘criminals’.
🧵 Most people are aware of Thalidomide, many are aware of Valproate, but there are several other drugs that have caused birth defects in children that are less well known including Debendox, Carbimazole and Primodos.
Primodos families achieved a main house parliamentary debate on 7th September led by @YasminQureshiMP. Whilst the House was not well attended, every single MP in the Chamber was on the side of the families and little effort was made to defend Government and regulator action.
Sep 9, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Brilliant speech during the Primodos debate @EstherMcVey1
Sadly, Primodos is not an isolated case, and we have seen many examples over the years of our regulatory bodies failing to keep patients safe from new medicines and medical devices.
In 2013, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency listed 27 medicines that had been withdrawn on safety grounds. The average time they were on the market was 11 years. I wonder how many times we will allow history to repeat itself.
Aug 4, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
To @MHRAgovuk please could you explain why you have blocked @PerseusGroup_ & covid vaccine victims, along with those who have been harmed by other medicines?
You claim you are "Putting patients 1st", but you avoid engaging with those harmed by the medicines that you regulate.
"@PeterHotez discusses how an antivaccine movement became a dangerous political campaign promoted by elected officials and amplified by news media, causing thousands of American deaths"
Personally I remember the elected officials & media promoting the vaccines through propaganda!
There may be mixed opinions on the mRNA vaccines, but the government & media pushed the @AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK despite most of Europe suspending them.
Whose action killed people?
Surely if anything is "anti-science" it is ignoring risk, which resulted in deaths?
Apr 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The Public Health Act 1984 allows the government to behave in a totalitarian manner & could enable supercharged Lockdowns.
Thank you for confirming @justinmadders
The public health act must be reformed, please sign here:……
For those of you know don't know how this works:
A single minister can implement emergency legislation if they personally believe it is urgent, with zero scrutiny.
It is supposed to be reviewed by parliament within 28 days, but this requirement was ignored for covid.
Apr 1, 2023 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
🧵A lot of people say "the science changed".
No it didn't.
There was very limited testing & data, so the government & regulators assumed the 💉 were safe, given the lack of evidence of harm.
The risks were obvious from day 1, as were the exaggerated benefits:
The 💉 were approved to stop infection, not to reduce severity (this is the standard reason that vaccines are approved).
When it was clear that the vaccines did not stop infection, the tack changed to "reduction in hospitalizations" THIS IS NOT WHT THE VACCINES WERE APPROVED FOR!
Mar 31, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Newspapers are finally talking about vaccine injury.
Why did it happen?
Why didn't they stop @AstraZeneca
The regulator @MHRAgovuk failed to keep people safe
Petition: Launch a Public Inquiry into the approval process for covid-19 vaccines…
Why don't you hear about it on TV? @Ofcom restrict the media from criticising the government.
Petition: Public Inquiry into Ofcom's guidance on broadcast standards during the pandemic…