Trina Profile picture
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Salagre-NuriaEnCH Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 27 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵Aside from the shenanigans exposed at the employment tribunal, what is going on with Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre?

Director Katie Horsburgh told the tribunal the service changed from a (nominally) women's service to one that included all male survivors about 6 months ago. Why? Image Checking back the archives for their website, ERCC was open to women (and trans) on 11 April 2023. The next available archive shows 'all survivors' by 10 May 2023.

So the change happened approx April 2023, which ties in with Katie's statement.
Sep 21, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Here it is in black and white.

Scotland's NHS Gender Identity Clinic @SandyfordNHSGGC official advice for pre-pubertal children is "watchful waiting".

No affirmation of 'gender identity', no using wrong-sex pronouns, no 'social transitioning'. It is time to speak up, Sandyford. Time to stop the trans lobby groups going into our primary schools and giving incorrect medical advice. Time to stop them training the next generation of young children to believe they can change sex.

Feb 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In 2004 the Gov funded women's orgs wanted sex included in hate crimes. It was due to be added to the Offences (Agg by Prejudice) Act 2009, alongside transgender identity. But Engender, SWA and RCS told the Scotgov Committee examining the Bill they had changed their mind! They said: "at some point we said that we were in favour of including gender as an aggravation...we no longer think that it is appropriate to include gender as an aggravation in the bill"

Worth reading in full, it's quite jaw dropping:…
Nov 4, 2020 26 tweets 11 min read
I wouldn’t normally do a thread focusing on one individual but Mridul Wadhwa has single-handedly stamped all over women’s boundaries, our rights, our laws and our very name, causing much distress to women along the way. I, like so many others, am absolutely bloody furious. Let’s be quite clear that Mridul does not have a GRC. The only way for an overseas national to gain one is to complete the equivalent process in their country of birth, and for that country to be on the list of those whose gender recognition system is recognised by the UK.