André Lange Profile picture
Coordinator of the Denis Diderot Committee 40 years of experience as European media researcher, expert and now activist
Aug 16, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
According to @LyngSatNetwork observations, since August 3, the 3 main Russian channels Rossiya 1, Perviy Kanal and NTV are back on the Eutelsat 36B satellite. This information is confirmed by photos seized yesterday by a Ukrainian observer Alexander Gluschenko. Image As a reminder, on January 14, following the action of RSF, carried out in collaboration with the Diderot Committee, the French authority @Arcom_fr required @Eutelsat_SA to interrupt the broadcast of these 3 channels. These companies were also sanctioned by the EU on December 16 Image
Jun 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The list of companies sanctioned is the 11th package of EU #sanctions against #Russia is now available. The Denis Diderot Committee regrets that the platforms Trikolor and NTV Plus, the Gazprom Media Holding, and the… satellite company RSSC, all playing an important role in the war and genocide #propaganda in #Russia and annexed territories of #Ukraine, have not yet been sanctioned. RSCC broadcast war and genocid propaganda to EU and other parts of the world and has still shares in Eutelsat SA
Jun 20, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Dans sa réponse à la question du député Renaissance @benjaminhaddad, le Ministère de l'économie tronque un article de règlement européen pour éviter de sanctionner des chaînes et services russes diffusées par Eutelsat, Canal Plus, les FAI français et les réseaux sociaux. Thread Image Le 16 décembre dernier l'Union européenne a sanctionné les groupes médias VGTRK, National Media Group, ANO-TV Novosti et Forces armées russes. Dans sa réponse, le Ministère réduit les sanctions définies par le règlement européen 269/2014 du 17 mars 2014 à un gel d'actifs.
Dec 17, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
What are the Russian channels that @Eutelsat_SA will have to switch off ? Texts of sanctions of the 9th package have beeen published in the JOCE. They include the broadcasting ban of Rossiya 1, Perviy Kanal, NTV and REN-TV. Image We have to remind to the French and Luxembourg authorities that the sanctions on channels, according to the guidelines published by the EC in June, are applicable not only for distribution to the EU but also to third countries. It means that Eutelsat should stop to broadcast the Image
Dec 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read… It is now official : 4 Russian channels sanctionned by the EU in the 9th packag of sanctions : "Broadcasting
In order to address the Russian Federation's systematic, international campaign of disinformation and information manipulation intended to its destabilise its neighbouring countries, the EU and its member states, the Council initiated the process for suspending the broadcasting licences of four additional media outlets: NTV/NTV Mir, Rossiya 1, REN TV and Pervyi Kanal. These outlets are under the permanent direct or
Mar 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Petit mémo pour ceux qui croient encore ou voudraient faire croire que #Dominion a truqué les élections américaines :……