hodlonaut 80 IQ 13%er 🌮⚡🔑 🐝 Profile picture
#Bitcoin Taco pleb. Hodling. Always looking to learn. Speaking my mind. Editing https://t.co/zk4Z2HrhA3 @ctdl21 Adviser at @TheBTCAdviser
Feb 14 17 tweets 2 min read
Day 8 of COPA vs IT security guy

This will be Craig's last day in the witness box until an extra day towards the end of the trial.

Craig looks grumpy and is immediately confronted with more testimony he has given during this trial that conflicts with documents in evidence. Craig denies the content of the documents. Straight into denying a document with his signature was signed by him. Strong start.
Feb 7 10 tweets 1 min read
Day 3 of COPA vs Wright

I'm present in court to watch, and will probably report a little here and there between the mouthfuls of popcorn.

Craig looks rough. Craig starts the day off ranting about the incompetency of the digital forensic experts that found his evidence to be forgeries, including his own expert.