Bea Jaspert Profile picture
I’m the daughter of migrant refugees. Don’t follow me if you hate migrants🎗️🧡🧡🧡🧡
5 subscribers
Oct 5, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Your social feeds do not feature many Sudanese, Yemeni, Ukrainian or Uyghur babies "ripped to pieces", nor heartrending testimonies from doctors, nor footage of soldiers laughing and ransacking homes.

Because this suffering doesn’t fit your narrative.
1/ The suffering of tortured/raped/murdered children, women, and men - in Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Darfur (let alone Israel) is not on your radar.

Because these conflicts are not the popular zeitgeist cause du jour which you have chosen to take sides on.
May 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been wrong on many occasions.

I was wrong about Corbyn - He was not, in fact, the change Labour needed.
He was, in fact, antisemitic (+ oblivious to harms of gender id ideology).

Wrongly, I supported him against these accusations 😔
I was spectacularly wrong about Novara Media.

I subscribed! 🤦🏼‍♀️
-Ash Sarkar who thinks Julie Bindel’s done nothing for women prisoners 🤡
-Chris Williamson 😱
-George Galloway 😱😱🤬

Feel a complete idiot for ever thinking they were fresh hope for the left 🤦🏼‍♀️
Mar 11, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
On Israel/Gaza and the progressive/left's charges of "weaponisation" of the holocaust.

I've seen this referenced by multiple prominent progressive voices, inc Naomi Klein and, most recently, Jonathan Glazer

I think there is a misunderstanding here.
1/… Domestic abuse/rape/child sexual abuse - all have been "weaponised" by bad faith/extremist interests.

Israel’s actions in Gaza have been weaponised by antisemites and islamic extremists.

The fact that bad faith interests will exploit must not be used to suppress criticism.
Mar 11, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
On Israel/Gaza and the progressive/left's charges of "weaponisation" of the holocaust.
I've seen this "weaponisation" referenced by multiple prominent left-progressive voices, inc Naomi Klein, Sothall Black Sisters and, most reetnly, Jonathan Glazer
Jan 8, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
Apologies for banging on, but can’t let this go without setting out my concerns.
Left/feminist orthodoxy seems to have abandoned 2 groups.
Women as a *sex* and Jews (Jewish women in particular) have been designated *persona non grata*.
This is a disaster for our movements.
Default response from feminists to Oct 7 was not what I’d expected - an outpouring of outrage at the perpetrators/sympathy for victims & survivors.
Instead, many ignored/denied/downplayed/excused the attack - and some celebrated the comeuppance of the “colonial-oppressors”.
Jan 3, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Setting the record straight on where I’m coming from.

Do I support Netanyahu and Israel’s far right govt?
No ❌

Do I justify Israel govt’s treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank before and after Oct 7?
No ❌

Do I oppose ceasefire?
No ❌
I support bilateral ceasefire.

Do I think Palestinian citizens all complicit in Oct 7 massacre/rapes/atrocities?
No ❌

Do I care about the suffering of citizens inc women/children in Gaza under Israeli bombardment/ground attack?
Yes ✅

Jan 1, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
Evidence of feminists/women’s organisations ignoring, denying, justifying &/or celebrating the Oct 7 massacre/rapes/atrocities.


First up, this appalling example - statement has been signed by multiple women’s orgs + over 1000 individuals:

1/ Southall Black Sisters claim drawing attention to the (widely ignored, contested, denied and minimised) rape and sexual violence inflicted on women & children at the Oct 7 massacre = “weaponisation”:

Dec 29, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
I've been asked why I keep banging on about the left's response to the Hamas massacre/rapes/atrocities of October 7th, in the face of the devastating suffering of the people of Gaza under Israel's bombardment/attack.

Here's my response.
I am devastated by the suffering in Gaza, as I am by the suffering in Syria, Sudan, Ukraine - and all the other regions suffering huge civilian casualties/displacements/destruction.

I am devastated by the suffering of women under the Islamic regimes in Iran and Afghanistan.
Dec 6, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
Things I never thought I’d hear leftwing women say.
A thread🧵

All taken from actual posts on this platform (I have the receipts).

1/ The *she asked for it* defence:
Mass rapes, tortures, etc may have been “provoked”. 2/ The “depends on the context” defence:
Threatening genocide (*of jews) is not bullying/harassment, unless/until actual genocide is “conducted” by those making the threats.
Oct 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The #HamasAtrocities, and the ***abysmal*** lack of condemnation from the left, has absolutely destroyed me. I am convulsed with horror, grief and rage at what was done - very deliberately, very sadistically, to those poor poor people, the mothers, the children, my god.
And to see the left, pouring out on the streets immediately, celebrating it as “resistance” before Israel had even retaliated! and without a word of condemnation against Hamas, plus plenty of denial that Israel has any right to exist! I am dumbfounded with horror and shock.
Aug 7, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
As the woman who in 2018 wrote this: “I’m coming out — as a gender critic” -
I agree with everything Zara says below.

If *gender critic* is now taken to mean *critical of people who identify as trans*, I want no part of it.

This is what I meant by gender critical - Image
Jul 20, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
Hi Ben.
I will try to answer your question.
Please excuse the long thread - it’s a complex issue.

Gender identity ideology argues that biological sex is arbitrarily “assigned at birth” and does not describe the authentic nature of human beings.
1/ Instead, the ideology claims, the true essence of a person is their own inner, innate (though fluid/changeable) sense of identity, which only they can know/decide.

Jul 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
When I saw the footage inciting punching “terfs” in the face, to crowd applause and official #TransPride approval, with ZERO condemnation/action from met police, #Pride, Labour or any of the other usual TRA supporters, I asked those supporters to please condemn the violence.
It is NOT a both sides issue.

There are nutjob violent misogynistics everywhere (see the #FemicideCensus), but Pride, the police, the Labour Party etc should NOT be excusing or “both siding” them.
Women arguing against trans activism is NOT the same as incitement to violence.
Mar 26, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
When I first found out about trans activism/ gender identity ideology, about 5 years ago, I was baffled by the the concerns and the anger being expressed by accounts on here I followed - mostly around domestic abuse, coercive control, women’s rights, CSA/sexual abuse etc.
But people I trusted and respected were saying trans activism was a genuine and serious problem, not just just for women’s rights, safety and protections, but also for gay and lesbian people and gender nonconforming children.
So I researched.
Sep 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I wrote this thread in 2019 when (unlike the US) the UK womens GC movement had not been co-opted by the religious right/far right.
Some argued we should be “open to all support”, but most recognised anti-abortionists/racists/sex-role traditionalists/homophobes as not on our side. It seems that’s changed.
Now a section of the UK gender critical womens movement, inc several key players, claim that we should let far right politicians speak at our meetings and livestream our events.
All support, from whatever quarter, is apparently welcome.

Well count me out