RFH🦎👁‍🗨🪐🌘 ⬛️ (Doctor) Profile picture
Artemis Cultist. Loosh Harvester. Peattard. At eternal war with Rome. Infinite love is the only truth everything else is illusion!!!!!🇺🇸
Apr 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
We hate women because on a subconscious level we believe nothing is more disgusting and unforgivable than being attracted to men. This is why Christ had to be born of a virgin. Mary could only be without sin and worthy of birthing Jesus into the world if she had zero sexual contact or interest in men. The Bible makes its position clear with this story- the moment a woman is touched by a man, even in marriage, she is somehow defiled, that is how ruinous men are. But we believe that men cannot help it, they are simply made of sin while women can choose to refrain from allowing a man’s touch to ruin her
Mar 10, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
There’s something so uniquely pathetic about a man who stares at a screen all desperately trying to prove his worth to women by pointing out the existence of other men doing jobs he will never do himself These men have absolutely nothing to do with you, sir. The fact that you also have a Y chromosome does not mean their achievements are your own.
Feb 23, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Many of you don’t understand that body positivity became a thing because in the 2000s you were considered disgustingly fat if you looked like this Image Has it gone too far? Yes. We’re now telling people who can hardly breathe or walk that their bodies are beautiful, but it was still an absolutely necessary change to come up with the idea of body positivity.

Even today Many men are still angered by women who are merely chubby claiming they value “health” even though being slightly overweight poses no adverse health outcomes and is actually better for you than being underweight. It seems many people are unable to understand the nuance of having some extra fluff vs obesity, there’s just fat and skinny. Being upset by genuine obesity is normal, it’s a a serious health condition that imposes costs on the public. But nothing explains how fiercely some people hate women who are simply not skinny other than mental illness
Dec 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The fact that women bond through oxytocin (snuggling, cuddling, touch, kisses) and men bond through vasopressin (stress, problem solving, games) proves that women like kind, affectionate men and men like cold, calculating women The coldest woman you know has a man wrapped around her finger, the sweetest woman you know is getting trampled by a man
Dec 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
He told me I was going to give our baby inferior genes because his family was wealthier than mine and whined incessantly whenever he had to take me to an appointment, at one point he pinned me to the bed and choked me. The pregnancy was planned. His parents didn’t even grow up wealthy and his mom grew up dirt poor, the whole thing was just insane. Dude deluded himself into believing he was an heir to some great name and not borderer new money trash that will have spent away that money within 3 generations
Sep 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Men’s idea of a good relationship is a relationship with no conflict, but a zero conflict dynamic can only exist when one party (the woman) is unpersoned and therefore cannot voice disagreement. Demands for submission are just demands to shut up and let him have his way no matter what. It’s a toddler’s idea of marriage. Women’s idea of a good relationship is not one that lack conflicts, but one in which conflicts are handled respectfully, and peacefully. It is not based in hierarchy, exploitation, and servitude, but rather collaboration and genuine partnership
Sep 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The amount of time women are spending with children today is historically unprecedented and making both women and children insane Working moms today spend more time on childcare than housewives did in the 50s and no one seems to think that this is a serious problem and likely contributing to women no longer wanting to be moms, the workload and the pressure of motherhood has gotten out of control
Sep 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Women have always felt this way I know all of you want to clutch your pearls and pretend life is a Disney movie, but there has always been a shadow side to motherhood, it is not all happy and wonderful, that’s what life is, pretending otherwise is what’s maladjusted
Sep 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The idea that women destroy their pair bonding bc they still have lingering feelings for exes has never made sense to me because just the thought of sleeping with any of the 4 guys I dated in my 20s disgusts me, that version of me that found those men attractive no longer exists Men become ran through after one woman because they don’t grow or develop, they always remain the same person they were when they were 14, and they’re proud of it. When they say they’re the true romantics, they mean they still experience love as a teenager does
Jun 9, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Lauren’s story is all too common on the Right. When I was a Trad, I started to sour on it all before I had even gotten married. Publicly people were championing family values but privately almost every woman I knew was unknowingly describing abuse occurring in their homes. I can only remember one marriage that was actually enviable and it’s because her husband was a very lowkey easygoing guy who wasn’t very political and she secretly wore the pants, she also ran a business from home and made her own money
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I’ve been the awkward shy virginal horse girl and I got zero male attention. The most attention I’ve ever received from men was when I was a newly divorced and had a child with my ex plus an additional 6 years on me. None of that mattered bc I stopped being so shy and weird I can’t emphasize enough how much people in America loathe and distrust people that are shy, it’s fucked up but it’s reality. The biggest thing holding you back in dating is not body count, age, kids, etc, it’s a lack of extroversion
May 25, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Most men don’t really care about a woman’s body count, they care if she seems sloppy & unstable, if she LOOKS like a “slut.” Being a “slut” is an optics thing, men only understand women superficially & mostly they are just trying to manage their reputations w/ their male friends In reality men love hoes which is why hoes get bombarded with attention while virginal, shy horse girl types have far fewer prospects
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Please be careful interacting with this account. For the past couple of days she has been spamming several users increasingly paranoid, angry, and threatening messages as well as posting screenshots of private DMs on the timeline entirely unprovoked. She is potentially dangerous. Image If you have shared anything personal or private with her via DMs I highly suggest you block her, she is a huge doxx risk and very unstable
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I think men are so demanding and cruel towards women because they are battling bisexuality and get this insane idea in their head that if women were perfectly beautiful without flaw and perfectly “well behaved” that women could magically take away men’s innate desire for bussy When women inevitably have flaws, men see it as us callously taking away the cure for their longing to be railed in their root chakra. They refuse to accept themselves and let go of their shame which makes it impossible for men to hold themselves accountable for their own desires
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Billionaires simply don’t care about these things, most of them are into wife swapping and getting divorced has effectively zero consequences to the amount of money they will be able to spend in their lifetimes. None of you can even fathom the worldview these types of men have. They don’t measure their manhood by “keeping their woman in check” and refusing to date single mothers or non virgins, that’s for the masses to squabble about, they’re literal billionaires, none of this matters when you’re in such an insane stratosphere of wealth
May 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The racefems are seething at me for being a “hapa,” but the moment they started posting this everywhere my message requests were being flooded by white guys. It’s clear you are getting mad at AW because WM fetishize them rather than getting mad at men for being perverts Asian women aren’t doing anything wrong by simply existing and getting fetishized by gross, weird dudes around the world, take your anger out on the men who are actively being disgusting maybe, just a thought!
May 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
You are clearly not white, white people constantly give each other shit for being too pale and pasty White people: get tanning injections, get spray tan, go to tanning beds, lie outside all day when they go on their boomer cruise vacation to the Caribbean, cake on bronzer, slather on fake tan lotion

Deluded RW Twitter users: white people LOVE being super pale akshually
Apr 21, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
People do not fundamentally care when men misbehave. There’s a vague notion that it’s somehow not ideal, some lip service to the idea that it’s not “real masculinity,” but on an emotional level people do not give a fuck when men are bad, they’re just going through the motions Contrast this to the outrage people feel when a woman so much as breathes wrong. It’s as if people don’t really believe that men have souls. They are machine, an automaton acting on code, it cannot be helped, people resign themselves to the crimes of men, they accept it
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Men don’t want to marry the woman that helped build them up, they find it humiliating. The manosphere claims “women wait at the finish line,” when in actuality it’s men who wait to marry until they cross it. So many young women are pleading with their boyfriends for a ring even though he hasn’t realized his potential, they’re happy to build together because they see it as a life commitment. But men don’t want to marry before they feel they’ve reached a certain level of stability.
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The girl boss move is to get married in your 30s to a man who’s in his 50s and already semi-retired/retired, then you keep building your career & he takes care of the kids at home, he’ll gladly do it bc he’s grandfather age & his T is waning + he has a wife who’s 20 years younger If you’re a woman who’s in a large age gap relationship it is your moral duty to take full advantage of this older man, ask not what you can do for the patriarchy, ask what the patriarchy can do for you
Apr 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Men sharing this meme just proves that they’re outsourcing the most laborious part of the laundry process to women. No mention of folding/hanging/putting everything away. Throwing the clothes in the machine and taking them out is the easy part, thanks for proving our point. Any Mom will tell you they hate laundry because it sucks having to sort through everyone’s clothes, fold them, hang them, and put it all away, if you have a large family this can take several hours