Rick Honkter Profile picture
Tracking down thought crime deep inside the bowels of clown world. Official fan account of @HashimotoKotoe. ~maphul-pitbet
Happy Warrior Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This is a very important point, and unfortunately it is not weird. What we are stuck with is the first mover dilemma. Basically there is power to be grabbed but nobody wants to step up because taking the lead in an open rebellion against the Regime is a guarantee of personal ruin That's why Trump or Bolsonaro didn't cross the Rubicon. Yes they took some hits but they still have children and grandchildren to think of, they have not been completely excluded from society. The personal trade-off is too expensive for an all but certain result.
Apr 10, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
France faces its fate today and it seems like a good time to share a few considerations about this election cycle and the state of French politics in general. I'll start with this take of the excellent @JRochedy who in my view nails the incumbent president fairly well here. Rochedy is right. What Macron lacks is the true gravitas of someone inhabited by his sense of duty and responsibility, the feeling of having the destiny of his nation and its people on his shoulders. Charles de Gaulle was the embodiment of this attitude.
Mar 9, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
The French establishment has launched its final assault on Eric Zemmour's presidential bid and is throwing everything it has at him. They will use every single last trick in the book to prevent him from getting to the second round. A thread on this offensive.🧵 It's now clear that the objective is to prevent Zemmour from facing Macron in the second round and he's seen (rightfully) as the biggest threat. Let's forget the polls for a moment and focus on odds instead.
Mar 8, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
France is badly fucked. Macron will very likely be re-elected with massive support of the establishment and of old Boomers fawning over the wartime president op. But the victory lap will be short-lived. A thread.🧵 As the quoted thread shows, Western European countries who stupidly and cynically align on US foreign policy for years will pay a heavy price for the sanctions imposed on Russia.
Jul 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
It is also important to understand that most people within the institutions themselves believe their own lies about gradually getting out of the endless restrictions/lockdowns cycle. They may think that we are getting out of it at some point (after the herd immunity/once we have stronger vaccines against the variants/etc), but remain blissfully unaware that the incentive system will keep them in the endless loop.
Jul 18, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
We have a huge problem of government incentives. What are the main ones in a nutshell:
- A risk-averse decision-making process. Bureaucracies are risk-averse by design. Closing is easy, more safety is easy, reopening is hard, advocating for it makes you a dangerous adventurer./ - Direction. It's very hard for governments to change course once they've selected a route, because they will be seen as disavowing themselves which exposes them politically./
Aug 4, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
A quick update about what people like to think of as "the market": three different multinational insurers confirmed to me over the past weeks that they are not making any money off large corporate accounts. Their profit margin is *entirely* driven by individual and SME business, namely, the little people who don't have the means to negotiate with far bigger players and have to deal with the terms they're being presented.
Sep 23, 2019 40 tweets 8 min read
We all really need to come to terms fast with the fact that a cultural revolution is brewing in America and the West in general, and that our world is blissfully oblivious to it and criminally unprepared.

qt for attention, thread incoming. We never have experienced a cultural revolution before, so despite the numerous warnings of history and the unprecedented amount of knowledge at our disposal, society is unable to identify the threat.