Rob Howse Profile picture
Teaches at NYU Law School.Tweets in personal capacity. None of views expressed here constitute legal advice from an attorney.
juan carlos murcia Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 9 7 tweets 2 min read
Nicaragua v. Germany #ICJ #Genocide. Oral argument concluded. In this 🧵some observations on where things stand. 1/n 2/n Germany has admitted & certainly not contested that Israel has been at risk of serious violations of intl humanitarian law/Genocide Convention in Gaza. Hence @AnnePetersMPIL references to Germany constantly urging "restraint" on Israel, "warning" re Rafah. #ICJ #genocide
Jan 6 17 tweets 4 min read
In their declaration of intervention in Gambia v. Myanmar, Canada, France, Denmark, NL & UK have made important statements about the meaning of "genocide" under the Genocide Convention, some v relevant to S. Africa's case v Israel. This 🧵quotes some of them 1/n @ClaysonMonyela 2/n "There is no hierarchy amongst the underlying acts of genocide and the legal relevance of all acts targeting a protected group must be emphasized."
Dec 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In the Israel Genocide @CIJ_ICJ case, S. Africa has a dream legal team. I’m been complying a list of areas of experts that SA should retain for the case, non-exhaustive please add. 1/n 2/nExperts for Israel Genocide case. Ballistics: targeting; siting/scoping/reconnaissance; control,command, & communications incl battlefield; damage assessment; relevant domestic Israeli civilian & military law & procedures (@sfardm? @BtSIsrael,)
Dec 29, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
This 🧵explains the case S. Africa filed today @CIJ_ICJ against Israel under the Genocide Convention in S. Africa's own words (full text of filing here ) 1/n @just_security @FP4America @lrozen @EdwardGLuce @maassp 2/n "The acts & omissions ... are genocidal in character b/c they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial & ethnical group,'''Palestinians in Gaza.""
Dec 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The #WTO US-Steel & Aluminum panel report just released is very poorly reasoned & drafted on the Art. XXI issue, especially.On the safeguards issue, the panel simply accepts the municipal law characterization of the measure as national security as dispositive of ... 1/x 2/x it being taken pursuant to XXI. Big mistake-ntl security under municipal law may, first, be a basis for taking a measure that is non-discriminatory (III:4 e.g.) & thus not pursuant to any exception; second, elements of "national" security may well be included in public order