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Founder @ Unfolding Institute. We're hiring!
Jun 27 20 tweets 3 min read
thread #2 on holding space: a deeper, more personal & unhinged take with a plot twist
what's going on on a deeper level? Why do I do it? Why does it feel good? What are the subtle moves I'm doing when I'm holding space for you? The thing is I wanna see you naked. I wanna see you as you are, feel you as directly as possible. Stripped of all protective shields, of all masks you are hiding yourself behind, of all stories you are telling yourself about who you are.
Jun 19 25 tweets 4 min read
Holding space for self and others
Yesterday my friend shared with me that I am holding space beautifully for others. @RichDecibels told me the same at the end of RichFest2. I intuitively know exactly what they mean by that. But what does is it actually mean? 🧵 How to put it in words? What am I doing, with what intention and what effect does it have? What does it mean to do it well? In what way is what I do special? What are the conditions necessary for it?
Aug 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Spoiler alert! When I first read Eliot's Four Quartets a couple years ago it felt like pure wisdom. A perfect description of human condition. But it was very abstract. The poetic allusions were pointing in the right directions, without ever saying it aloud. For some reason, today I started asking GPT-3 DaVinci for explanations of the last couple of verses. Almost all (like 23 out of 25) were really good. But then I asked: "Explain why the condition of complete simplicity costs not less than everything:
Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Self-deception has always been an issue for me and I think for many others as well. My current understanding of how it arises is that society creates external incentives for a certain set of beliefs, which are accepted and publicly endorsed, but in practice they are not followed. Or, it can be the self-image created by the person, but the reinforcement from society is still important, because it makes it much more difficult to adapt it. Either because it's unrealistically hard to act on such beliefs, or because it's simply enough to act "as if".
Aug 11, 2022 17 tweets 2 min read
I've been looking into the AI alignment problem last couple of days and came up with the following summary of what problems there are and why. Also, I'd prefer using the umbrella name of Human alignment problem, as AI alignment is just a subset of it. The problem is that we don't know what we want.