H Stupak Profile picture
Associate professor of otolaryngology/facial surgery. Author. https://t.co/fSvfLDmcFW. Crown&Corona: An American Catastrophe
3 subscribers
Jan 23 12 tweets 3 min read
The era of supposed “Evidence Based Medicine”, beginning in the early 90s when I was beginning training was a near complete failure despite good intentions and should end now. Health is far worse as data was mismanaged, manipulated by self serving interest, reaching its final iteration as some sort of social justice tool, with the pretense that blending health outcomes with identity politics would help individual health. IRBs, pharma, individual labs and researchers, government funding pickers and financial supporters like the Gates Foundation have
May 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
As everyone watched with horror events unfold in Northern Italy, local govt in NYC busied itself correctly promoting a Chinese New years celebration.

But in Albany, a peacock in a white polo shirt was calculating how he could become a National figure to take on Trump in the next election. Instead of aligning himself with the city officials he took the stance that NY was about to face a massive shortage of ventilators as the CCP had broadcast that this was a solution to corona virus.

Ventilators are never a solution to influenza like illness but
Jan 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
At the real heart of the matter is that the concept known as EBM or evidence based medicine at first innocently used to compare treatments was hacked by political /profit agendas within medicine to remove personal responsibility from illness, thus replacing self maintenance with some perverted belief that if one takes a pill for every ailment or has a surgery or injection for every numeric testing anomaly, all will be right and the individual may consume food and alcohol to “the normal amount” and exercise on a machine twice a week, the person is healthy
Oct 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A fundamental flaw in understanding of how respiratory disease works predated 2020. In this comprehensive article on ILI, including coronaviruses only “containment” is discussed (vax mandates, masking, isolation), only one paragraph on environment/host

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… This misunderstanding that we can set up a particle barricade or isolate people enough or inject enough to make the particles go away is wrong. It is obvious to anyone that the seasonality is due to factors like humidity, temp or heating systems, and severity due to muscle tone:
Oct 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
In this exponentially great technological age, could our greatest weakness be the hubris to think that we can contain the uncontainable? Because we can test for and find things, we perhaps misguidedly think that if we try hard we can make the tests change and the problem to go? We tend to ignore big picture causes once we become fixated on a numeric indicator of a problem, and do all of the linear 2 dimensional things that one would think would reverse the testing, despite the fact that the problem never disappears when it wants to be there.
Aug 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Narrator (In a whisper): as we observe the phobo sapien in its natural habitat, the basement of a large mansion, one can see that it likes to consume whatever it can. The greatest fear of the phobo sapien is during a flight to exotic locales or a trip to buy wine, that it Comes into contact with a member of the Homo sapiens species without the necessary phobia garments and covering. This is like garlic or sunlight to a vampire. The phobo sapien will avoid eye contact and shrink in fear until the other has passed.
May 16, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Imagine you are a coastal biology researcher, and you have been plotting tidal patterns on a beach for many years, some higher or lower than others. Suddenly, there is a spring or peak tide and an “expert” with a films crew appears and shouts that the tide will cover the earth If we don’t “do something”! He puts on a headdress and coat, builds a shield and lo and behold the tide begins to diminish. He becomes a celebrity and the world cheers. You open your mouth to explain but the cameraman kicks sand in your face and a cop says you better watch it pal
May 13, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes the smoking gun is hidden in plain sight. In the case of covid, most damage was done by a Lancet article distributed to MDs around the world 2/20 which I found in my email. This distorted article will likely be considered by historians to be the source of the purposely deceitful Information that caused the West to collapse its own economies and leadership, causing far more damage than the Kido Butai (task force responsible for Pearl Harbor). Next is the article, and I will discuss the fallacies in it that Fauci etc completely bought