wangxian au 📌 Profile picture
i suffer from zhuocheng syndrome. instead of brain there is zhuocheng.
Feb 2, 2020 400 tweets >60 min read
wangxian au ~ lan wangji buys a kpop album from wei wuxian on twitter but the album never arrives ImageImage [00:00] just some things to know ^^

- time stamps and dates do not matter
- i posted a draft of this on my kpop acc as a yohangyul au i deleted it but if this idea seems somewhat familiar you know why
- be nice to the accs mentioned in this
- update time: 9-11pm pst
Dec 31, 2019 266 tweets >60 min read
modern day wangxian au ~ lan wangji is a youtuber and wei wuxian thirsts over him all over everyones tl ImageImage [00:00] just some things for you to know ^^

- time stamps and dates do not matter
- this is kinda 18+ ig bc wuxian be saying some.......stuff
- might have slow updates bc im scared of posting