Hugh Stephens Profile picture
I don't know how to internet, but I do know some SaaS. Runs @getskedsocial, founder/investor at @galileovc. 🏳️‍🌈 Extremely infrequent email:
Jun 28, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
*a thread on 'lifestyle businesses'*

"In Australia, it’s relatively easy to build a lifestyle business"

1) it's not 'relatively easy' to build a profitable tech business *anywhere*. If it was, we would have a lot more of them. 2) 'lifestyle business' is a bullshit term, and people who use it are being overly reductive about what business means.

Just because someone doesn't want to take a venture-debt-funded path to $100m or zero does not make their business any more or less valid.