How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App address your comments: "the authors concluded "(a) the pangolin covs are actually from mice (b) actually, they were actually cloned artificial constructs, (c) actually, there were other viruses in the samples as well (d) actually, its all contaminated with dog dna"""a on Feb 1 in private stating the genome is inconsistent with evolutionary theory, and again in private on Feb 4 being 60/40 in favour of lab origin. The focus of our paper is on the methods and assumptions used by Pekar et al. (2022) to rule out C/C and T/T intermediate genomes as true intermediates and by this conclude that intermediate genomes did not exist in humans. were sequenced on the same machine and run number as sample M1 (@A00129 run 562), indicating AK706 and GE09 may not have been re-seqenced. What would be useful to find out is if AK706 and/or GE09 were modified after they were removed from NCBI and then re-released>any scientist who dared go against the narrative set by Calisher et al. & Andersen et al. was harrased, bullied and labelled a conspiracy theorists by fellow scientists, science journalists and media, firthermore any paper merely mentioning the possibility of a LL was rejected. a (realistically) conservative estimate of 10% probability of a Wuhan virology lab accident while conducting research on a SARS-CoV-2 projenitor virus, we can use a decision tree (usually used before know outcome, here we dont know the mechanism) 31st "Ebright tells ScienceInsider that the 2019-nCoV data are "consistent with entry into the human population as either a natural accident or a laboratory accident."… not been subpoenad yet), but only a matter of time…