HoneyBadgerMom aka CK Bouferrache Profile picture
Blue state dissident. Wrongthinker. Photographer/journo. Baker of pastries. Western Way of Life. Not caving to your groupthink. Anti-Communist.☦️ @ThePublicaNow
5 subscribers
Jan 22 11 tweets 5 min read
Ethan Nordean, Proud Boy convicted of seditious conspiracy, has been released. I’m so relieved & happy for him and all of the J6 prisoners. But especially happy for Ethan as I know him. I’d like to give some context to this punch that both made him famous & a target for the left. Image I met Ethan in Portland & saw him at events regularly - he was a fixture on the protest scene in the PNW. The day of that punch became known as the Battle of Portland. A poorly executed plan to protect right wing protestors led to a level of street violence unseen up till that time.Image
Apr 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Covered an event in Salem today called “Don’t Mess w/ Our Kids”. It was organized by a group called Her Voice Mvmt, a charismatic/evangelical Christian movement organizing, praying and speaking up about gender issues and children. They planned events in state capitols all over the US.Image My friend’s @Italiangirl104 @starsnstripes_ created tshirts and organized a group going from Portland to Salem. Image
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
At an Oregon State Board of Forestry meeting this morning waiting to hear comment on proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for Oregon’s public land. The board is hearing public comment on the proposed changes regarding usage. These changes, if implemented, would have a huge 1/ Impact on how public lands could be logged, shrinking the amount of board feet harvested by nearly a hundred million board feet. They’re using the endangered species act to redefine/change how public lands are managed. This is all being done through an appointed board and 2/
Dec 7, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵 I told you all the other day about the very popular pediatrician that got fired here in my town? There was a protest organized today and I went to document and see if I could find out anymore about the why of her getting fired. She’s a Christian and the speculation was her beliefs
Image are what got her fired. Speculation about her feelings about transitioning children or maybe refusing to use “preferred pronouns”. Without being able to speak to her it’s impossible to say for sure. What I can say? Parents are very mad. The kids are sad. Image
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have had several experiences with the “justice” system in my lifetime. All as a victim of a crime. I‘be never been in trouble with the law myself beside the rare traffic ticket. I have never even remotely seen anything I could call justice occur in a courtroom. When I was robbed of all my jewelry and saddles (in Portland) I literally chased down one of the people that did it while on the phone with 911. This was a time when police could respond. They arrested her but she walked away from the rehab she was sent to and while she was found
Nov 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Do I know any environmental scientists on here? I’m looking to talk to someone about the dam drawdown in my area that supposedly is to help the Chinook Salmon run. There was a federal lawsuit about it that the govt didn’t fight and it looks like the aim is to take out our hydroelectric dams. Help. The water quality in town is being affected. I don’t see how the chinook salmon eggs could even survive the very muddy water and it’s causing massive erosion all over.
Sep 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A teacher at Hazelbrook Middle School wanted to read this at the “safety meeting” the admins hastily scheduled after the viral video of a student viciously attacking another student.

“As a teacher at Hazelbrook, I want to bring up the safety concerns that we have as a school community. Kids are frustrated. Teachers are frustrated. Kids are scared and feel unsafe. Our school is not a safe place. Throughout the day, kids are not where they are supposed to be. As a result, there are many adults in the building who spend a large portion of their day following students around, nicely
Sep 1, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
I talked to Ethan both before and after this event, often referred to as “the punch heard ‘round the world”. He had his fingers taped up and I asked him what was up with his hand. He said at a Trump rally the week before he was providing security and had his fingers broken when Some antifa guy with an asp was cracking it on peoples hands and arms. He showed me how he had shin guards on his arms so he could take a blow from an asp without getting something else broken. You can see what I’m speaking of below. Ethan’s wrapped hand and shin guards. Image
Aug 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I was just harrassed to the point of court being interrupted during @MrAndyNgo’s testimony by Hailley Nolan who was loudly demanding they check my press pass. Then the defense attorney told me I couldn’t take photos of her. The judge corrected her and then there was a sidebar out… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Then they demanded by press credentials. This week I am taking photos for the TPost Millenial. The first photos were published last night. So I’m good. But this behavior being allowed is ridiculous.
Jul 31, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m down at the courthouse in Portland, getting ready to cover Andy Ngo’s civil trial against the people who physically attacked him. We cannot be in the courtroom at the moment because of voir dire as the judge excluded media and the public. They will be doing jury selection all day today, so we won’t be going inside the courtroom until after that happens. I’m here with @KatieDaviscourt who reports for the @TPostMillennial. She and I both have experienced some of the same violence directed at us that @MrAndyNgo has.
Mar 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Before we went in to document whatever happened at the Heathen Feral Brewing pub PopMob event we pregamed. We were scared. And it’s always scary. It doesn’t mean we stop. After action report. After we left the church (escorted to our vehicles by a man who was concerned about us getting there safely) we park farther away and discuss the deets. Gangs rule the streets here.
Mar 25, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
I started out in 2017 covering the Trump rallies that were being held in Portland. I thought the coverage sounded biased and wanted to see for myself. I was fortunate enough to have an in at The Federalist and got published my first time out. It was eye opening. I went with my camera and a good friend and set out to capture every part of that day. At the time I thought it was violent and barely restrained which is funny looking back now. The cops were allowed to do there job. There was a huge crowd that had come to voice their support… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I walked up on two couples that were taking turns smoking fentanyl. The girl here was shivering in the cold and seemed shy. I asked her about if it was hard for her to get clothes. She claimed that it was difficult to get them through charities so she would steal them for her and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image The boyfriend was whip smart and so articulate. I asked what he thought about the new "official" encampments & if he would go there. It was an adamant no. He felt they'd be safer camping out on the streets and he didn't trust them, mentioning that maybe they could get locked in.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I was in Portland for the weekend with plans for several events. Before I left today I decided to check out some spots I'd gone to in the last year. I will have more on that tomorrow but for today, this is Dino. He said he was too shy for me to record him but at the end of our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image He looks angry here but he had a gentle countenance. Said he'd just arrived from Seattle to try and pick up his deceased fathers car. He told me his story quite easily. He said he'd been an auto mechanic, that was he was 36 years old and about 6 years ago he'd been diagnosed with… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
There’s an all ages Drag Brunch over spring break up in Vancouver, Washington taking place at Heathen Brewing Feral Public House. It’s sponsored by the “Imperial Sovereign Court of the Raintree Empire”. There are a few videos of their performances online. I called the pub and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Their Facebook page says their mission is to raise funds for organizations that serve lgbt communities in SW Washington. From a post on their event page “we want to make it clear that WE ARE NOT BACKING DOWN this event will move forward….” “Hate and bigotry wins when we do… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This was the Pioneer Place mall in downtown Portlsnd... Louis Vuitton. People had to wait in line to be escorted in with their personal shopper. And armed security at the door. I don't blame the store at all. The mall was pretty empty for a 3 day weekend. This was the entrance to Gucci. Ropes across the door and you had to be let in. All the stores were like that so it isnt anything against Gucci. Tory Burch had the same. Yves St. Laurent had a burly security guard w/a cauliflower ear at the door.
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Oscar with his rosary.

This one was hard on my heart. If you saw @cocainemichelle's tweet about Oscar you know. He was suspicious, holding back at first. But when I asked him about his arm and the cellulitis he opened up and started talking about his life and family. Image His arm frightened me. I assumed he'd had no tx but he said he just got out of the hospital. He reached out to his family when he knew it was bad and he allowed them to take him to the hospital. It still looked awful. He asked if I could help him figure out his meds. So I did. Image
Feb 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

I ask as I walk up to this woman wearing a long blond wig, "Can I take your picture?"

"Me? Yes."

"Yes, with your beautiful hair."
She smiled big. "Wow. Sure, why not."

"You have a beautiful smile" She truly did.

Obsessively cleaning her hands while we talked. Image The cleaning didn't stop the entire time we talked to Jazmin. I don't know if it was a tic of sorts.
It has to be nearly impossible to stay clean (either kind of clean) while living on the streets. She told us her name, showing her Dollar Store Employee name tag w/ JAZMIN on it. Image
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Court cases don't often go the way you hope. There are many moving parts. Who the lawyers are. The jury. The judge. The charges. Yesterday's trial of John Hacker was a perfect example of this. He had several lawyers. Pro Bono I heard but can't confirm. He admitted under oath 2/ to impulsively assaulting Andy because he was angry at him. He admitted to coming at him, he's a very large man and Andy is of smaller stature, and Andy's response was to start filming him. I would have done the same. Hacker admitted to hitting the phone out of Andy's hand and
Nov 15, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Closing arguments.

Prosecution posts slide with the elements of the crime that need to be met and points out all of them have been met and admitted to.

Very clear and simple. Mr. Ngo's property was taken by force. Mentions how angry Hacker was and him calling Andy a fascist. She points out he slapped the phone out of his because at his own admission he didn't want to be doxed. Even though he admitted on the stand that he does this to others. He admitted to all elements of the crime.