🍉 yeenybeanies | COMMS INFO PINNED ✨ Profile picture
yeeny/hyena | he/she/xe | 20+ | art account | currently obsessed with CoD | giants, dragons, robots, monsters, superheroes, etc. | 🔞 MDNI 🔞
Jun 8, 2023 • 49 tweets • 11 min read
[ creature!au 💀🧼 threadfic! ]

naga!ghost / soap

2,337 words (48 tweets)

inspired by the drawing i did the other day ->w<-

#CallofDuty #CoD #GhostSoap #SoapGhost #SimonGhostRiley #JohnSoapMactavish ImageImage even after nearly a week, it was still a little strange to be around this behemoth of a beast—all twelve-point-something meters and god-knows-how-many kilos of naga that was GHOST. it wasn’t fear he felt—no, soap hadn’t really been afraid of the naga, save for the brief moment +