critical human rights, law, abolition / she/her / views are my own
Jun 22, 2022 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
The Government's plan to scrap the #HumanRightsAct and replace it with the #RightsRemovalBill is an unthinkable attack on each one of our rights to be treated fairly & with dignity and respect. 🧵
On #WindrushDay, it is an attack on Vernon Vanriel and Eunice Tumi. Vernon travelled to Jamaica and was denied re-entry into the UK, facing destitution as a result. Arguing that their human rights were breached, they were subsequently granted citizenship.…
Jul 4, 2021 • 23 tweets • 11 min read
the pcsc bill—which criminalises gypsy & traveller communities' way of life & clamps down on protest—returns to parliament tomorrow.
perhaps less discussed have been parts 2 & 10 – the duty to prevent & reduce serious violence, & serious violence reduction orders.
part 2 (the serious violence duty) is effectively a prevent-style duty that creates extraordinary data-sharing powers, w/ the potential to breach data rights, entrench racially disproportionate policing, & hollow out relationships of trust.