How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App top is your player name, I.e. the name that will be visible to other players with a 16 character limit. The second box is what your character’s name will be with a limit of 5 characters. You can change these later on. Last is your birthday & it can’t be changed later features Nagoya Division Bad Ass Temple. When Yajima thinks of Nagoya, he sees a city between Tokyo and Osaka and considers it the 3rd major city of Japan. He thinks it's the middle of everything so they mix trends and music from all over and make fun things of their own. week we will have Doppo, who normally is a white-collar worker selling medical equipment. Yajima heard he is a guy full of negativity so he is looking forward to hearing how Doppo deals with other people's problems. is Wataru Komada (Juto).